The Bard

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There is a bard who roams the world without pause.
Singing and telling stirring tales, the bard wanders on.
The birds and beasts pause for a moment as he sings.
He sings of a love that he has had to bury for years,
How she loved him for who he was, not his talents.

A fair lady trapped inside a castle of her father's sings.
She sings of the young orphan she fell in love with.
He could sing, dance, and even speak in a moving way.
Her song enchants beast and man alike as it moves them.
She even sings of how he was brazen with her in words.

Word spreads of the two singers and they learn of the other.
The King hearing of the man, decrees a contest of song.
He sets the prize as his daughter's hand, without her knowing.
Minstrels and bards come from all over the world, but fail
To sate the King's tastes or impress his lovely daughter.

Our bard enters the halls without fear or hesitation in him.
He stands before the King and only asks that he listen.
His voice tells of a story of an orphan who had nothing,
Meets a little girl who gave him care, love, and attention,
Only for her to leave and let him grow stronger in pain.

The princess and King are moved to tears by his tale,
But he doesn't stop there, and instead shares his life story.
The princess steps up and shares her side of the story,
Much to the court's shock, the King sees the connection.
Together they sing a possible end to their tales before him.

As the song finishes, the King is sobbing out his shame.
He separated them in fear, but they found each other again.
The King declares the two the next rulers in sheer joy.
His wish is denied by both as they wish to live in peace.
They leave the King whilst singing a duet of joy and love.

The kingdom was ruled by her father for a while longer,
But they eventually had to take over when he died of aging.
There was not a happier people than when the two reigned.

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