I'm Sorry

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I'm the little fly buzzing in your ear, "I'm sorry"
While you are on your way out the door of life
I am the fly that bites you to stop your warpath
While you focus on seeing what's past that door

You march head on like a soldier without hope
As if you have nothing to lose, gain, or leave behind
But I'm here to remind you that you have hope
That you have everything to lose if you leave

There are people yelling out to you, "I'm here!"
And yet you choose to ignore their cries
All because you feel they will never understand
They can at least try, but you never let them try!

This is my final desperate plea to you to step back,
To take a look at what you are leaving behind
And what you could look forward to if you stayed.

I can't make the choice for you, you have to make it.

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