Terran Love

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I wrote the original with more drama in it, and it didn't follow the iambic pentameter that sonnets follow. This is the result of my second attempt.

My one sacrifice? My life for thou, love.
For thou art a dove in the midst of crows.
In embarrassment, thou givest a shove
The moon is ashamed, so the tide it throws.
I quivering stand, the unworthy soul
Of thy endless love, for which wars are done.
Kingdoms fight kingdoms, an increasing toll
Of widows and strife that exceeds the Sun
And it's blazing fire that warms Mother Earth.
The maidens' hatred burns with fierce anger
And from that anger, is the true demon's birth.
Love now turns to hate, but love will linger
In this heart of mine and will stay hiding
'Til the wars are done. Then love will come ring!

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