Stepping Up

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I may have called you a rabbit before, but in truth you are a jaguar.
You wait and observe patiently for what interests you to draw near,
Only to pounce on them when they least expect you to show yourself.
That is how I see you, although you did not do that to me when we met.

Instead of pouncing on the strangeness of a dragon drawing close,
Your choice was to wait and see what would happen as you watched
And yet I was the one who pounced on the chance to get to know you.
Being cautious is good, my love, but don't let it keep you from living.

This dragon is finally learning to step up and accept that life happens,
So I will do my best to help you with whatever I can that you allow me to.
When we try to do things alone, they often become overwhelming,
Leaving us feeling trapped or stuck, when that isn't the case at all!

While I desire to be the one to stand at your side until existence fades,
I know that as I am now, I am not worthy of being that person for anyone.
Much still needs to be done before I am able to step up to the plate,
Let alone what needs to be done before I feel ready to be a king.

Until I step up, I hope that you can be happy and figure out what you desire,
Because I want to help you get what it is that you desire, no matter what.
Even if I am not what you desire, I will stay by your side as a knight,
Ready to help and support you even if I never end up being the one.

Pain and love are closely tied and related, that's what I've discovered.
I'm scared to be the one you desire to have at your side for eternity,
And yet my heart is pained by the thought that I might not be yours.
Well, to that I simply say that I hope that I am able to stay near you.

Maybe the one for me is not here in this life, and that's okay with me.
Whomever my partner might be, I just hope that they help me be myself,
Much like what you done for me since we first met and talked a bit.
Thank you for being such an amazing friend, my lovely lady of heart.

Perhaps you may feel this is a farewell, and it kind of is in a way.
I have decided to let go of how I feel and just be myself with you,
Even if at times I might feel the desire to be more than just friends.
You are your own person with needs and desires that I will respect.
No matter how strong the desires are, I will always respect you.
May my heart be shattered a thousand times if I ever disrespect you.

I am the struggling knight stepping up, working to be worthy of love,
Striving to be as kingly as many friends and loved ones say I am like,
And never will I back down in loving and supporting the clan I chose.

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