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Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she looked at the clock. Puck had a doctor's appointment at 2pm, and it was just about 4pm.

Quinn took out her phone and dialed Puck's number, putting the phone to her ear while it rang.

"Hey, Q." Puck answered on the third ring. "What's up?"

"Hey." Quinn said. "Where are you?"

"I'm on my way home now." Puck replied. "The doctor was running late and I just stopped for something to eat."

"How'd it go?" Quinn wondered.

"We can talk when I get there." Puck promised.

"Okay." Quinn said. "Hurry home, okay? I miss you."

"I'll be there in a minute." Puck promised. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Quinn hung up the phone and got up from the couch. She picked at her nails as she walked over to Beth's bedroom door and knocked on it.

"Hey, B." Quinn smiled. "Daddy's on his way home. Wanna come inside and wait for him with me?"

Beth nodded as she got up. "Okay."

Quinn and Beth went into the living room and waited for Puck.

"Let's open the door so we can see when Daddy gets back." Beth decided as she walked over to the door and opened it. She grinned when she saw Puck a few feet away in the hall. "Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, princess." Puck smiled as he scooped Beth up and kissed her cheek. He brought her into the apartment and kissed Quinn lightly. "Hi, Q."

"Hi." Quinn smiled when they parted. She closed the door and looked at Puck. "How'd it go?"

"Let me sit first." Puck replied as he put Beth down and sat down on the couch.

Quinn's smile faded as she joined Puck on the couch, pulling Beth onto her lap.

"Are you sick, Daddy?" Beth wondered.

"I'm okay, B." Puck promised as he looked at Quinn. "The good news is that I'm gonna be here, but the bad news is that I got discharged. Effective immediately."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "You're not going back?"

"No." Puck answered. "Even with P.T., my shoulder doesn't have complete range of motion, so neither does my arm, and they're discharging me."

"Noah, I'm sorry." Quinn frowned.

"They also said I didn't pass the psych evaluation." Puck added. "And they gave me a few recommendations for shrinks."

"We can figure that out together." Quinn promised. "I'm really sorry. I know you were looking forward to going back and finishing these last few months."

"I just wanted to really finish for Finn." Puck noted as he looked at Beth. "But at least now I'll be home with the two of you."

Quinn nodded. "Finn would be really proud of you. I know he would."

"Yeah, I hope so." Puck said with a sigh as he got up. "I'm gonna go make some phone calls. I'll be back in, like, ten minutes."

"Hey." Quinn replied as she grabbed Puck's arm. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, baby."

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