Ski Trip

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"Morning." Puck smiled as Quinn entered the kitchen.

"Morning." Quinn repeated as she sat down at the counter. "Something smells good."

"Bacon." Puck said, putting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of Quinn. "I figured that would get you out of bed."

Quinn nodded. "Thanks."

"Sure." Puck replied. "So Finn and Rachel wanna head out in a half hour."

"I can be ready by then." Quinn said as she started eating. "I wanna call Beth before we go, too."

"She's fine with my mom, babe." Puck promised.

"I know." Quinn nodded. "But she was asleep when we called her last night."

"Well, we lost track of time." Puck replied as he took out his phone. "But we can call her now while you eat."

"Okay." Quinn said as Puck dialed his mom's number and put the phone on speaker.

"Hi, Noah." Ruth answered the call.

"Hey, Mom." Puck responded. "You're on speaker. Quinn's here."

"Hi, Ruth." Quinn added.

"Hi, Quinn." Ruth said. "How was the drive?"

"It was fine." Puck noted. "Finn and I drove. We're going out soon, but we wanted to say hi to B."

"Let me grab her. Hold on." Ruth replied.

The pair waited until they heard a tiny voice on the other line.

"Hi, Daddy. Hi, Mommy."

"Hi, B. We miss you." Quinn said. "Are you having fun with Bubbe?"

"Yeah." Beth answered. "Miss you. Are you?"

"We're having fun with Finn and Rachel." Puck told Beth. "We just wanted to call to say we love you and to be good."

"I will." Beth promised.

"And we'll see you in a few days." Quinn added.

"I call later?" Beth asked.

"Of course you can, Monkeyface." Puck replied. "You can call whenever you want, and we'll call you tonight."

"Okay." Beth said. "Love you, Mommy. Love you, Daddy."

"I love you, too, little bee." Quinn smiled. "Be good for Bubbe. We'll talk to you soon."

"Love you, B. Bye."

Puck hung up the phone and looked at Finn and Rachel, who had entered the kitchen.

"Did I hear tiny?" Finn wondered.

"You just missed her." Puck nodded. "I'm gonna grab our stuff, and when Quinn's ready, we can go."

"I just need to clean up and get changed." Quinn noted as she got up. She kissed Puck's cheek. "Thanks for breakfast."


"Since this is your first time at this, we're gonna start off easy." Finn decided.

"The bunny hill?" Rachel raised her eyebrow. "Isn't that for little kids?"

"Yeah, can't we start on a green circle?" Quinn chimed in. "I've been skiing before."

"You have?" Puck asked.

"My parents used to take me and my sister when we were younger." Quinn told Puck. "I was actually pretty good."

"Snowboarding is a little harder than skiing." Finn warned Quinn.

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