Big Sister

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"Hey, I'm glad you're home." Quinn smiled as Puck greeted her with a kiss. "I was just gonna go pick Beth up from school, if you wanna join me."

"Sure." Puck nodded. "You're in a good mood. How are you feeling?"

"Good." Quinn answered. "And guess what?"

"What?" Puck wondered as he led Quinn out of the apartment.

"I did it, Noah." Quinn announced proudly.

"Did what?" Puck asked.

"I made it to the second trimester." Quinn said.

"You did, and I'm so happy that you can finally relax and let yourself enjoy this." Puck told Quinn as he squeezed her hand. "How do you feel?"

"I feel good." Quinn replied. "I've been trying to detach myself from this pregnancy in case I lost it, but I feel good about it."

"Yeah?" Puck asked.

Quinn nodded. "I was thinking we could start telling people."

"Beth's gonna love telling everyone." Puck said. "Did you call your mom yet?"

"No, I wanna call everyone together." Quinn replied.

"Okay." Puck smiled. "They're gonna be so excited."

"Yeah." Quinn smiled back.


When the trio got home from Beth's school, they sat down in the living room.

"Do you wanna help us tell the rest of the family that you're gonna be a big sister?" Puck asked, holding Beth on his lap.

Beth nodded excitedly. "Can we tell them right now?"

Puck looked at Quinn.

"Yes." Quinn laughed at Beth's excitement. "I'm gonna call my mom, but get the Puckermans on a videochat."

"I'll grab my laptop." Puck decided as he put Beth on her feet and got up, leading her away.

Quinn dialed Judy's number and waited while the phone rang.

"Hi, Quinny." Judy answered the call.

"Hi, Mom." Quinn said.

"Hi, Quinny." Judy repeated. "How are you?"

"Good." Quinn responded. "I just wanted to call to tell you the good news before we call Noah's family."

"What good news?" Judy asked.

"We're gonna have another baby." Quinn told Judy. "In November."

"Oh, congratulations." Judy replied. "I thought you wanted to get married first."

"I did, but things changed." Quinn responded. "This will be better for us anyway. Beth's so excited."

"I'm happy for you, honey. I've been wondering when I would get another grandchild from you." Judy said.

"It's not always easy, Mom." Quinn pointed out.

"It was when you were sixteen." Judy noted.

Quinn took a deep breath. "Yeah, well, it wasn't when I had a miscarriage the last time Noah went away."

"I'm sorry." Judy apologized. "I didn't know."

"You're right. You didn't know." Quinn said as Puck and Beth returned. "I have to go. We're calling Noah's family."

"Everything okay?" Puck asked when Quinn hung up the phone.

"Yeah." Quinn nodded. "Let's call your family."

Puck nodded back as he sat down on the couch and started setting up the call.

"Mommy." Beth said. "Am I gonna have a baby brother or a baby sister?"

"We don't know yet, B." Quinn answered as she sat down beside Puck. "We'll find out in another month or two probably."

"Can I have a sister?" Beth requested.

"Well, it doesn't really work like that." Quinn said. "But if we don't have a girl now, maybe we will in the future. We'll see."

"Okay." Beth nodded.

"They're starting to join now." Puck noted as Jake and Marley appeared on the screen. "Come here, Beth."

Beth climbed onto Puck's lap and waved to the camera. "Hi, Uncle Jake! Hi, Marley!"

"Hi, Beth!" Jake and Marley waved. "Hi, Puck. Hi, Quinn. What's up?"

"When everyone's here, Beth will tell you what's going on." Quinn said, looking at Beth. "Wait for Aunt Sarah and Bubbe."

"Okay." Beth replied with a smile as Puck's mom and sister appeared on the screen. "Hi, Bubbe. Hi, Aunt Sarah."

"Hi, Beth." Ruth smiled. "Hi, Noah. Hi, Quinn."

"Hi, Ruth." Quinn smiled back.

"Hey." Puck said. "Good, everyone's here."

"Yeah, why are we here?" Jake wondered.

"We're here because Beth has something to tell you guys." Puck began.

"Go ahead, Beth." Quinn encouraged her. "Tell everyone."

"Okay." Beth nodded as she turned to the screen. "I'm gonna be a big sister."

"Oh my god, are you serious?" Sarah asked.

"He or she will be here in November." Puck added as he put his arm around Quinn. "We wanted to wait until Quinn was out of the first trimester to start telling people."

"Congratulations." Ruth smiled. "How are you feeling, Quinn?"

"I'm starting to feel better." Quinn said. "The morning sickness has subsided, and Noah and Beth are excited, so I am, too."

"This is so great." Marley stated. "Congrats to all three of you."

"Yeah." Jake agreed. "I hope Puck's taking good care of you, Quinn."

"Of course." Quinn answered. "Beth, too. She makes sure I take my vitamins every single day."

"You're gonna be such a good big sister, Beth." Ruth told her.

Beth smiled as she looked at Puck. "I'm gonna be a big sister like Daddy is a big brother."

"That's right." Sarah said. "And like Uncle Jake."

"Yeah." Beth nodded, her smile growing even bigger.

"Thank you guys for all jumping on the call." Puck added. "We should let you go."

"I'm so glad you called. Quinn, take care. Congratulations again."

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