New Year's Eve

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"Coming!" Quinn called in response to the knock on the door. She hurried over and opened it, letting Santana and Brittany in.


"Hi! Come in!" Quinn exclaimed as she greeted the girls. "Make yourselves comfortable."

"Thanks." Brittany smiled as she took off her coat, revealing her dark blue jumpsuit.

"You look beautiful, Quinn." Santana smiled, eyeing Quinn's black dress as she took off her shawl.

"You do, too." Quinn nodded, looking at Santana's red dress. "Both of you do. I'm glad you made it."

"Yeah, it's starting to snow." Brittany noted. "Where's Beth?"

"She's getting dressed and then I'm gonna do her hair." Quinn answered.

"Well, you can go help her." Santana decided. "We brought booze so we'll start setting up a snack and drink table."

"Okay." Quinn nodded. "Yell if you need me."


"Thanks, Mommy." Beth smiled as Quinn finished detangling her curls.

"You're welcome, B. I love you." Quinn said.

"I love you." Beth replied.

"Go say hi to Tana and Britt while I straighten up, okay?" Quinn suggested.


As soon as Beth ran off, Quinn's phone started ringing. She glanced at the screen and grinned when she saw it was Puck.

"Hi, Noah." Quinn answered the call.

"Hey, baby." Puck replied. "I miss you."

"I miss you more." Quinn said. "I hope you're staying safe."

"Of course." Puck promised. "I know I'm about a week late, but happy anniversary. What are you up to?"

"Happy anniversary." Quinn smiled. "Beth and I are hosting a New Year's Eve party / sleepover tonight, so Santana and Brittany are here and everyone else should be here soon."

"How was Christmas?" Puck wondered.

"It was good." Quinn answered. "My mom came, but it was quiet, which was good."

"Good." Puck echoed. "I don't wanna keep you from everyone, but I love you and I'll talk to you soon."

"I love you, too." Quinn said. "Do you have time for B?"

"Yeah, of course." Puck replied.

"I'll get her." Quinn told Puck. "Be safe. I love you."

"Always am. I love you."

Quinn gave Beth her phone and returned to the living room, where she found some of her other friends had arrived. She made her way through the apartment, greeting her friends and getting them drinks.



"Sorry." Quinn apologized softly as she looked at Santana. "I didn't hear you."

"I said you're gonna miss the countdown." Santana stated. "Beth's with Jake. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Quinn nodded. "I'm just thinking about the new year. And Noah."

"He'll be done this year." Santana noted.

Quinn nodded again and took a deep breath. "Hopefully only eight more months."

"Are you doing okay?" Santana wondered.

"Yeah." Quinn said. "Yeah, thanks."

"Well, Beth's with Jake." Santana said again, offering her hand. "Come get a drink and toast the new year. It'll be a good year."

"Yeah, you're right." Quinn agreed.

Quinn and Santana got drinks and returned to the others as the countdown began.

"Beth, come here." Quinn said, putting her drink down and offering Beth her hand.

Beth took Quinn's hand, and Quinn wrapped her arms around Beth as they watched the TV screen.

"Three... two... one... Happy New Year!"

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