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"Hey." Quinn said. "Beth's asleep. I figured now would be a good time to talk."

"Or not talk." Puck responded, smiling at Quinn as she joined him on the couch.

"Noah, we can't keep putting this conversation off." Quinn noted. "It's August now and everyone's gonna start going off to college and leaving Lima in the next few weeks."

Puck nodded slowly.

"I'm going to Yale." Quinn stated. "And I know it's selfish to put me before Beth and before you, but I have to do this."

"It's not selfish." Puck told Quinn. "You deserve it after everything you've been through and everything you've sacrificed."

"Are you coming to New Haven with me?" Quinn asked.

"Yes." Puck answered.

"Do you want to come to New Haven with me?" Quinn corrected herself.

"Of course I do." Puck nodded. "As long as you want me there."

"Of course I do." Quinn repeated. "But you've talked about L.A. for a long time and I don't want you to compromise your dreams or your plans for mine."

"L.A. was before you and Beth." Puck reminded Quinn. "Besides, it's not going anywhere."

Quinn nodded. "I just wanna make sure we're both gonna be happy."

"I'll be happy wherever I am as long as I'm with you." Puck stated. "And Beth."

"Okay." Quinn smiled. "Move in day is in two weeks."


"Ruth and I were talking and we think it might be a good idea if the three of you split up this fall." Judy blurted, looking at Quinn.

"What are you talking about?" Quinn wondered.

"Well, we figured you could go to Yale, and Noah, you could go to L.A." Ruth added. "And Beth could stay in Lima with me and Judy."

"No." Quinn shook her head.

"Quinny." Judy sighed. "Beth needs stability. How stable do you expect a dorm room to be?"

"We're getting an apartment." Quinn replied. "Noah's gonna get a job and I'm gonna go to my classes, and we'll put Beth in daycare until she starts school."

"And what about your extracurriculars?" Judy questioned Quinn. "Or if Noah wants to work overtime?"

"We'll figure it out." Quinn answered. "We'll get help, and we'll make it all work. Tell them, Noah."

"They might have a point, babe. We're gonna be super busy." Puck muttered.

"I knew it." Quinn said. "I knew you didn't wanna come to New Haven with me."

"I'm not saying that we should split up. I wanna come to New Haven with you and Beth." Puck stated. "All I'm saying is that we need to have a plan so we can be good parents and build a life for our daughter."

Quinn bit her lip and paused for a moment. She slowly shook her head. "No, good parents don't leave their kid for four years so they can go to college. We need to build a life that has her in it."

"We need to figure this out." Puck noted, taking Quinn's hand as he looked at Judy and Ruth. "But our minds are made up. We're all sticking together."


"Thanks for helping me bring in my stuff." Quinn said. "And for your help unpacking."

"Yeah, I'm glad we're all settled in." Puck noted.

"Me, too." Quinn agreed.

"You're all set for school?" Puck asked. "You have your books and whatever?"

"I have everything." Quinn nodded. "My mom went a little overboard with that stuff. Since I got a really good scholarship, she decided she's gonna put my college money towards our apartment and other bills."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"Which is a good thing." Quinn pointed out. "So we'll have time for Beth and for each other."

"Yeah." Puck said. "And listen, I don't want you to miss out on all the typical college experiences so if you have something going on, just let me know and we can plan around it."

"I will." Quinn promised. "Thanks. And thanks for being here."

"I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else. I'm so proud of you."

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