Chapter 07

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“Has Shay come home yet?” Roo asked quietly as they parked in front of the house, Jack sighed turning the engine off shaking his head slightly looking straight ahead.

“No she hasn’t” he sighed. “Don’t mention her name though in front of Alex okay?” he looked at her.

“None of this would have happened if I had just stayed home” Roo looked down at her hands.

Jack sighed, “Roo Roo, its not all your fault it’s also mine.” He looked at her a second sighing. “It’s also mine because you got pissed at me for something I feel horrible about doing that I wish I could change back.”

Roo tilted her head, her eye brows together. “What are you talking about?” she asked confusingly.

Jack sighed a little leaning his forehead against the stirring wheel, “Y- you left because I told you something I regret doing that I should have never done, I – I slept with Holly twice.” He sighed.

“Now it all makes sense” Roo mumbled.

Jack sighed looking at her, “I’m sorry Roo it meant nothing to me I swear, w- we need to get inside though we’ll talk more in there I need to check on Lex.” He said.

Roo got out of the car slowly walking to the front door getting out,  Jack sighed getting out also walking up to the front door unlocking the door opening it up, Roo walked in as he put the keys down.

“Roo, I’m sorry. It was a stupid mistake that meant nothing to me.”

Roo shook her head and just walked up the stairs  walking into their room taking off the promise ring staring at it confusingly not really sure what it meant to her anymore.

Jack sighed softly walking up the stairs moments after she did not really sure where to go noticing Alex moving his things down the hall raising an eye brow, “What are you doing?”

“Moving my shit into the guest room what I need of it anyway.”

Jack raised an eye brow, “why?”

“Because it’s hard to sleep in the same fucking bed at night, just let me finish this shit.” Alex mumbled feeling tired.

“Lex you look like fucking shit” Jack said telling the honest truth, his hair was a mess since the last three days he had seen him still wearing the same clothes he just shrugged walking passed Jack into the guest room as Jack walked into the bedroom seeing Roo laying down.

Alex closed the bedroom door sitting on the bed running his fingers slightly through his messy hair sitting on the bed looking at his cell phone grabbing it off the night stand taking in a deep breath and let it out dialing a few numbers putting it to his ear tears threatening to pour.


Alex opened his mouth but closed it as no words came out he only sat there and listened to her voice.

“I swear Jack if this is you playing some dumb ass fucking Joke I’m going to kill you when I see you” Alex’s jaw dropped.

Jack was talking to Shay?

He swallowed shaking his head slightly.

“Y- you can talk to him but not me?”

‘Fuck’  Shay thought

Alex stared at his cell once he herd the busy signal he sighed deeply throwing his phone across the room watching it hit the wall he stood up walking out of the room slamming the door, Alex was standing there in front of Roo’s and Jack’s bedroom.

“Roo, can we please talk?”

Roo sighed opening her mouth about to say something till the door opened to see Alex standing there.

“You’re talking to Shay?”

Jack stared at him a moment not sure how to answer, “I don’t want to stop talking to her she’s one of my best friends Lex.”

“I didn’t say you had to stop, so what you fucking hide it from me? Don’t you see the shit I’m going through Jack? I haven’t fucking slept in days now I find out just by calling to hear her fucking voice that you two have been talking and she thought it was you pulling some joke.” Alex’s eyes were watering. “I can’t do this anymore, I can’t fucking stay here.” Alex ran his fingers through his messy hair backing out of the room.

“Alex, brah I’m sorry for not telling you s- she told me not to tell you.”  He stopped and turned around facing his best friend.

“Told you not too? Look at me Jack, really look at me.”

Jack looked up at Alex, he was a mess it looked as if all the life was sucked right out of him his eyes had dark circles around them, Jack looked down moments later he was a hot mess, Alex sighed walking off slamming the bedroom door shut leaving Jack standing out in the hallway he turned walking back into the room looking at Roo with sad eyes he plopped down onto the bed.

“I’ve done such a horrible job.” Jack mumbled. “I’m a horrible boyfriend and best friend.” He sighed a little bit.

Roo sighed crawling over to where he was sitting at and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind resting her chin on his shoulder, “You’re doing all that you can.”

Jack shook his head, “No. no I’m not Roo, you didn’t just see Alex, he’s leaving.” He mumbled.

“He’s upset, he’ll be back.”

Jack sighed deeply nodding a little hearing the car start up knowing it was Alex leaving, “And there goes my best friend” he looked at Roo.

“He’ll be fine, I promise.”

Jack sighed nodding a little turning around fully wrapping his arms around her waist hugging her, “Can we take a nap?” he mumbled.

“I think that’s a good idea” Roo said.

Jack nods sighing as he pulled out of the hug kissing her cheek lightly as he crawled over laying down on the bed not saying anything, she followed him snuggling into his chest as his arm went around her.

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