Chapter 21

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“Alex, can I borrow your car, I don’t want to be here I need to go talk to mom.” Roo asked as she walked down the stairs.

“Yeah, but Roo you should talk to Jack soon.” Alex said handing her his keys.

“I did, and I said everything I needed to say, we’re over, and it’s all Holly’s fault.” Roo said quietly taking his car keys walking toward the door.

Shay sighed a little bit, “Roo, where do you think Jack is at now?” she asked knowing Jack all too well.

“One of two places, bar or home.”

Shay sighed deeply, “He’s probably at home packing up moping around feeling like shit right now, and I’ve known Jack sadly since he was in diapers Roo, he never cries.”

Roo sighed a little shrugging, “It’s over, I’m going to my moms.” She said stepping out of the house closing the front door.

                                                     Jack walked inside the house greeted by Rooney he sighed shaking his head as he put down the keys, “Not now Rooney I need to pack” he said walking down the hall into his room looking around as Rooney jumped onto the bed he sighed looking around seeing the pictures from the night before walking over taking them off the wall he slowly walked out of the room into the baby room putting them up in the room walking out taking in a deep breath and let it out as he walked back inside the bedroom he walked over to the closet wiping his eyes.

He threw a bag on the bed walking inside his closet grabbing a few shirts, jeans and shorts seeing a few of Roo’s things he sighed slowly walking over to the bed folding his clothes up gathering a lot of other things seeing more or Roo’s things that she had left behind along with the baby stuff her mom had given her he sighed looking through it biting his lower lip putting it all into the babies room in the crib he sighed as he closed the door  down the hall into the kitchen looking through the fridge grabbing a bud light sipping it.

Throughout the night Jack had lost count of how many bud lights he had now sprawled out onto the couch he looked down at the house phone biting his lip lightly grabbing the phone squinting his eyes to see the numbers he dialed Roo’s phone putting it to his ear just as Rooney snuggled next to him, he looked down petting him as he waited.


Jack sat there biting his lower lip hearing her voice not really expecting her to answer the phone he was about to say something but she spoke before he had the chance, “I can’t really talk right now Jack”

“Roo, please come back.” Jack slurred a little bit trying his hardest not too but failed at it.

“Are you drunk again?”

Jack glanced down at Rooney, “Just a little” he said with a sigh.

“I can’t just come back Jack; I’m on my way to my parent’s.”

“Fine whatever, I love you just remember that.” He sighed hanging the phone up throwing it at the end of the couch before laying down staring up at the celling, “She’s gone Rooney, it’s just you and me.” He said quietly stroking him as Rooney whimpered a little as Jack fell asleep he snuggled closer to him.

Roo groaned after the line went dead and turned the car back around heading back to the apartment once she arrived she took out the key unlocking it walking inside she noticed Jack laying on the couch with Rooney snuggled next to him he was wearing the moose had she glanced at the counter seeing it was filled with cans sighing she walked over and started picking them up throwing them away just as Rooney sat up to move in a different spot he jumped off the couch attacking Roo barking jumping around.

“Hi buddy!” she smiled walking over to where Jack was at after petting Rooney for a little while she walked over to where Jack was at sighing a little bending down moving some hair from his eyes.

“Jack wake up”

Jack groaned a little turning over not feeling Rooney there he sat up rubbing his head a little raising an eye brow feeling the hat on his head.

“You know I can’t take you seriously in that hat”

Jack stared at her shaking his head closing his eyes, “You were on your way to your parent’s this is just all a dream.” He said quietly.

Roo rolled her eyes giving him a titty twister, “Yup all a dream”

Jack jumped up and glared at her, “You didn’t have to do that!” he said.

“Made me feel better” Roo shrugged.

Jack glared at her a second crossing his arms as he leaned back against the couch, “So, what made you come back after that phone call?” he asked.

“From the slurs you were making I figured you were drunk off your ass and from all the cans I would be correct.” Roo said sitting down.

Jack sighed deeply nodding, “I can’t see straight and the room is spinning so are you” he mumbled.

“Let’s see you walk” Roo said standing up

Jack glared at her shaking his head, “No the room is spinning I’m not getting up I’ll just hang out right here.” He said leaning back against the couch.

“Well yeah the room is spinning you weren’t even asleep for 20 minutes what did you expect puppies and unicorns when you woke up?” Roo asked rolling her eyes.

Jack smirked, “I’d take Puppies and unicorns any day” he groaned.

“Of course you would now here put your arm around me and we’ll get you to your room, and maybe puppies and unicorns when you wake up maybe even bacon.” Roo said trying to not laugh.

Jack grumbled but did as he was told putting his arm around Roo’s shoulder standing up; she started to walk down the hall with Rooney following behind them once they made it to the room Roo walked over

to the bed seeing he was in the middle of packing she sighed a little laying him down pulling the covers over him.

“Do I have to tuck you in aswell?”

“Not unless you promise that you’ll be here in the morning” Jack mumbled quietly.

“Come on buddy, up” Roo said ignoring what Jack had said as Rooney jumped up on the bed she tucked them both in sighing walking out of the room turning out the light.

“I love you” Jack said before she had the chance to close the door.

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