Chapter 15

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 Alex and Shay boarded the plane with Roo and Jack behind them they walked down the aisle, Alex’s arm wrapped around her waist from behind as they walked to find their seat once they found it Alex stuffed their bag above them then took his spot at the window he took his phone out pressing his head against Shay’s, his hand on her knee she looked up in time and smiled as he snapped the picture he grinned kissing her lips lightly saving the picture as his wallpaper.

“For new beginnings.” He whispered.

“For photo bombing!”

Shay smiled looking into his brown eyes laughing as she herd Roo kissing his lips again softly, “I think we should go get some wine celebrate this engagement and new beginning.” Alex said between kisses.

Shay smirked, “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Well fuck you guys too, pfft knowing I can’t have it, all you suck.” Roo crossed her arms pouting.

Shay looked up once she pulled back from Alex’s lips leaving that tingly feeling making her smile, “I’ll drink twice for you Roo, Jack you should stay with her.” Jack smirked.

“I planned too.”

“I’m pregnant, not a child” Roo huffed.

Jack laughed, “I’m staying behind because you can’t drink and it wouldn’t be fair Roo Roo, and besides we have baby names to figure out.” He smirked.

“I already figured it out”

Jack wiggled his eye brows, “Pfft. Oh yeah? What are they?” he asked as Alex and Shay got up to walk to the bar area.

“Her names Nevaeh”

Jack grumbled, “It’s a boy. His name is Kevin.” He said crossing his arms.

So sorry! I thought I was the one pregnant, apparently it’s you.” Roo said rolling her eyes. “Nevaeh”

Jack stuck out his bottom lip, “Yeah it’s Alex’s” he smirked rubbing his stomach and laughed slightly. “But no it’s Kevin”

“I’ve been replaced! Did you hear that NEVAEH daddy replaced us” Roo started to fake cry.

Shay and Alex had come back moments later his arms around her Shay hit Jack’s forehead hearing Roo yell that, “Jack how dare you” Jack grumbled rubbing the back of his head.

“It’s with Alex!” He defended.

Shay glared at Alex who was smiling innocently at her, “You’re the only one for me Shay Bear” he nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck kissing her skin softly.

“Suck up” Jack grumbled.

Shay giggled a little wiggling out of Alex’s grip pulling on his belt loop bringing him down next to her as people stared at them weirdly.

“Look he’s denied your child! What are you going to do now Jack?” Roo asked with a grin.

Jack whimpered, “I don’t know, I didn’t think I’d see this day coming” he mumbled quietly.

“I know how you feel” Roo patted his knee sighing.

Jack sighed looking over at Shay and Alex chuckling softly seeing how close they were, “I think these two need a room or bathroom” Alex smirked hearing Jack say that holding out his middle finger.

Matt walked down the aisle shaking his head hearing Jack and Roo glancing back at Shay and Alex who were nearly making out on the plane, “I swear I’m babysitting children” he mumbled quietly, Roo smirked jumping up putting her arm on his shoulder.

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