Chapter 26

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“I can’t fucking do this Shay, not without Roo she’s always been here at every show.” Jack said bouncing up and down nervously as Alex’s voice filled the entire building with the song Time Bomb.

It was like a time bomb set into motion

We knew that we were destined to explode

And if I have to pull you out of the wreckage

You know I'm never gonna let you go

We're like a time bomb

Gonna lose it, let's defuse it

Baby, we're like a time bomb

But I need it

Wouldn't have it any other way’

                                                     “Jack you can do this, I know you can.” Shay said trying to calm him down having no luck she took her phone out of her back pocket putting it to hear ear once she dialed Roo’s number waiting for her to answer she was at this for 20 minutes and decided to call Roo hoping she could at least talk to him.


“Roo, please call Jack he’s freaking out.”

 “Alright, I don’t know much help I’ll be but I’ll try”

Shay sighed, “Just hearing your voice will calm him tell him to get out there and make the best of it I tried.”

“Well I have something up my sleeve”

“Alright, just try whatever. I just hope it works.” Shay said hanging the phone up so Roo would have the chance to call him.

Jack’s phone started to go off once he opened the text he bit his lip seeing the picture ‘Sonagram’ underneath the picture then the phone started to ring seeing Roo’s name across the screen he sighed putting to his ear.

“Y- you did that without me?” he asked.

“I wasn’t really given the chance”

Jack sighed deeply shaking his head, “I herd Shay talking to you, if this was your way of trying to calm me it didn’t work it made it worse.” He said.

“I wanted you to go but mom set me up without knowing.”

Jack sighed deeply shaking his head,  “You could have sent that after the show that I have to do here in like five minutes.” Jack said as Alex walked off the stage wrapping his arms around Shay.

“Well if it makes you feel better I kicked Josh in the balls today because he was the one that had to take me.”

Jack ran his fingers through his hair, “Not really, I’m missing out on everything and it’s my fault.”

“It’s not all your fault it’s part mine too, mainly Holly’s. everything just messed up, and I’m sorry.”

“Five minutes guys!”

Jack sighed.

“If it’s to do with Holly she’s not coming back Roo I made that clear but I have to go Roo I’m on in five minutes.”

“You can’t just tell me, Jack you have to show me.” Roo sighed. “You can get through the next few shows I know you can and then when you have off I have another ultrasound which you will be taking me if not I’ll probably throw another fit like today but just know…” Roo paughed. “Um ha- have a great show.”

Jack sighed deeply, “Yeah I’ll try, I’ll text you after bye Roo.”

“Bye Jack”

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