Chapter 18

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“We’re back!” Alex shouted as they walked inside the house closing the door behind them.

Jack ran down the stairs jumping in Alex’s arms, “Their kicking us out Brah! We can’t let that happen!” he fake cried resting his head on Alex’s shoulder; Shay laughed a little shaking her head.

“It’s one damn night! I think you guys can last one night without us.” Roo said walking downstairs.

“See!” Jack whined.

Alex laughed shaking his head, “No I really won’t, sleeping with Jack just won’t be the same.” He whimpered.

“You both can pretend, just be warned Jack might rub your belly he did that last night he was sleep rubbing.” Roo said.

Shay chuckled, “If he does I’ll get Sab on his ass” Alex retorted with a grin, Jack’s eyes went wide.

“Well there you go, me and girls will be at Jack’s apartment while you guys stay at Alex’s.” Roo smiled.

“I’m sure you two will have fun without us, just please don’t get into a lot of trouble where we have to bail you guys out of jail.” Shay pleaded.

Alex smirked pressing his lips against Shay’s, “No promises” he said.

“Yesh, what Shay said. Now Jack and I have to go see mommies! Mine first!” She smiled.

Jack stood up grinning, “You kids don’t have too much fun while we’re gone!” he shouted, Shay stuck her tongue out flipping him off grinning as Alex pressed his lips against hers again.

“No promises!”

“I WANT TO BE AN AUNT! They are going to do it but it’s their house so it’s all good.” Roo said with a laugh.

Shay laughed, “Exactly!” she smiled. “And after, Alex and I can go get junk food for the sleep over” she said.

“Yes! You know not to forget dippin dots or kisses.” Roo said as Jack opened the front door.

“I won’t forget” Shay said.

Jack pulled on his jacket grabbing his car keys, “Come on lets go see our mommies.” He said lacing his fingers with Roo’s.

“Ahh mommies!”

Jack laughed a little walking out of the house with Roo unlocking the car, “I’m driving!” Jack shouted.

“You can drive up, but I get it back down!” Roo said sliding into the car.

Jack whined, “But Roo! I wanted to drive both ways!” he said getting into the car.

“I like driving” Roo pouted tilting her head facing him.

Jack whimpered pouting a little as he started the engine “So do I” he whined.

“Fine but I get the radio”

Jack grinned and shrugged as he backed out of the driveway, “Fine by me we like the same music anyway.” He said.

“Yeah but I know the songs you hate” Roo said turning the radio on.

Jack whined, “But Roo Roo don’t make me listen to music I hate” he said.

“You won’t let me drive, is it because I’m pregnant?”

Jack glanced at Roo a second then back at the road, “Yes” he replied quietly.

“I’m not even showing, I can tell your going to be a very protective daddy” Roo said with a smile looking over at him.

Jack smirked, “I am and if it’s a girl she’s not dating till she’s 16” he said with a laugh.

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