Chapter 14

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Shay woke up her face buried into the crook of Alex’s neck a smile spread across her face hearing his light snores she sighed snuggling closer to him pulling the covers up she felt him move a little.

“Good morning” He mumbled softly into her ear.

A smile tugged upon her face, “Good morning.” She felt his lips against her neck, then his body hovered over her own his eyes meeting hers kissing her again softly his stomach growled only making them both laugh softly he rolled off her pulling on his boxers grabbing some flannel pants slipping them on, Shay smiled slipping back into her underwear and shorts back on jumping onto Alex’s back as he lifted her up higher holding her up as she rested her chin on his shoulder they both walked out of the room down the stairs and into the kitchen noticing Jack and Roo standing there making breakfast.

Jack was in behind Roo his arms wrapped around her as she was at the stove his chin resting slightly on her shoulder kissing her neck softly.

“That stays in the bedroom” Alex said with a lopsided smile on his face as he backed up to the counter as Shay sat down ontop of it as he poured some coffee.

“Oh? Then make your own damn breakfast.” Roo said. “I was going to make chocolate chip pancakes for everyone, but nevermand now.”

Alex turned his back against the counter as he took a sip of his coffee, Jack turned around a smirk plastered across his lips nudging Roo’s side.

“Roo Roo, someone has sex hair.”

“What!” Roo turned around looking at Shay a smile on her face. “Aw Shlex made up, I would cry but I’m cooking.” She smiled.

Jack turned back around kissing Roo’s shoulder, “hey no I’m cooking do you want pancakes or not?”

Shay looked down as Alex placed his coffee on the counter his hand on her knee a smile across his face, his index finger went underneath her chi n pressing his lips softly onto hers moving his hands toward her sides leaving both of them there she tangled her legs between his own.

“So, we can’t make out in the kitchen but you two can?”

Shay giggled against Alex’s lips removing her fingers from the back of his hair his lips leaving hers leaving that tingly feeling, Roo turned smiling at the site slapping Jack’s arms playfully.

“Leave them alone” Jack rubbed his shoulder glaring at Roo as she placed the plate of pancakes on the table; Shay untangled her legs from his own jumping off the counter feeling Alex’s arm slither around her waist as they walked toward the table.

“Smells good Roo”


          After breakfast Alex and Shay were snuggled up on the couch his arms around her waist as they watched TV he ran his fingers through her hair pressing his lips against the top of her head she felt him smile.

“That’s a picture moment” Roo said in awh.

Jack chuckled holding his phone up snapping the picture, she felt Alex’s chest vibrate as he laughed a little bit, he looked down into her eyes a smile spread across his lips hearing his cell go off in his back pocket he didn’t bother only knowing that it was a tweet message from Jack tagging him in the picture.

Alex flipped her over to where she was laying on her back; he was hovered over her his lips pressed against hers a smile tugged upon his lips, he was digging through his jean pocket pulling something out holding it in his hand he looked down into her bluish green eyes.

“I’ve been holding this for a while, the night Roo and I got back from the studio after working hard, I was going to ask you something but I fucked it up it never happened.” Shay stared at him as Jack and Roo stood there staring confusingly at Alex.

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