Chapter 08

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Shay hung up the phone biting her lower lip glancing down at it Alex had called her she had nearly blown her cover she sighed deeply sliding her phone in the back of her pocket as Andy walked up to her, she tried to smile the best she could be failed miserably.

“You okay?”

Shay shook her head a little.

Andy sighed wrapping his arms around her bringing her in for a hug, “It may be tough for now Shay but it’ll get better you just need to give it time.” He whispered, Shay nods slightly wrapping her arms around him sighing.

“I hope so”

Andy smiled pulling back from the hug, “Do you have a cigarette on you?”

Andy smirked taking it out of his pocket she smiled putting it to her lips as he lit it for her they both stood outside leaning against the building. “So you never really told me what happened between you and Alex” he took a drag of his cigarette.

Shay sighed a little biting her lower lip as her lip quivered a little, “Jack and I were getting worried, Alex had gone to check on my best friend Roo after Jack had told her some things.” She sighed a little watching the smoke vanish in the air.

“Alex had decided to go check on her it just it got late and we both decided to get into the car and drive there to see what was taking so long we had walked inside.” She blinked back the tears. “They were making out”

Andy stared at her as he threw the cigarette down stomping on it.

“Did you let him explain?”

Shay shook her head slightly throwing hers down moments later, “No. he was to hung over I freaked out and left, the only one I talk to there is Jack and tonight, tonight I nearly blew my fucking cover.” He put his arm around her.

“Come on let’s get back inside we have work to do”

Shay nods with a weak smile as she walked inside the building with him.

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