chapter 33

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“Yo, Lex get off your ass we’re going clubbing.”

Shay rested her chin on Alex’s shoulder glancing over at Zack sticking her lower lip out, Alex didn’t move he only tilted his head a bit to face Zack with his eye brow raised.


“To celebrate your marriage, our treat.”

“Yeah, I’m not so sure of this plan for you partying.” Roo said.

Rian looked over at Roo then looked over at Jack, “We’ll keep a close eye on him if you’re worried about the wild one there.”

Jack glared with his arm around Roo’s waist.

“No offence It just seems like every time you guys go out, something bad happens.” She said putting her hand on the top of her belly.

Shay nods in agreement, “She’s got a point.”

Jack stood there a moment licking his lips thinking a second removing his arm from her waist moving her to where she was facing him, “Are you worried about me fucking up again?” he asked.

“I’m not going to lie, just a little.” Roo said.

Jack bit his lower lip sighing, “This is Vegas, and you’re also worried about the Holly thing.”

“Yeah and what makes it even worse is that she lives here.” Roo looked into his eyes.

Jack sighed pulling her aside from everyone wrapping his arms around her waist, “Nothing’s going to happen Roo, she’s not getting between us again I won’t allow it to happen.”

Roo took a breath holding up her pinky, “Pinky promise?”

Jack smirked and laughed linking his pinky with hers, “We going all Kindergarten on this?”

“Yeah we’ll have a nap and share cookies later but this is legit, break a pinky promise and karama will fuck your shit up.” Roo smiled at him.

Jack laughed, “I won’t break the pinky promise, I promise.” He smirked at her, “When I get back tonight though I’m yours.” He kissed her quickly on the lips.

“I’ll be waiting.” Roo smiled walking back over and plopping down on the couch.

Alex pecked Shay on the lips smiling down at her as he stood up from the couch, “I’ll see you later. I love you.”

Shay smiled, “I love you too. Don’t do anything stupid!” she shouted after them as they walked down the hall. “And there they go, here we stay.” She grumbled.

“Ahaha no there will be drinking and I don’t trust him drunk as soon as Zack’s texts me where they are we are going so I can spy.”

          The guys were at the club sitting at a table Alex down on his third drink as Jack was on his second he turned noticing Zack had dissapered raising an eye brow but shrugged it off nudging Alex as a girl came by he raised an eye brow as she stopped in front of him.

Zack walked back over to the bar taking out his cell phone watching over at the able as he text Roo the details on there where about’s and about what Jack had done with the whole stripper situation, Zack walked over sliding back into his seat taking a sip of his drink.

“You know Jack, Shay’s going to murder you.”

Jack looked up wiggling his eye brows smirking taking a sip of his drink shrugging his shoulders, “No she won’t. she loves me too much as does Roo.” he added in.

Rian leaned back in his chair, “Dude, I swear when people tell you things it goes in one ear and out the other.” He said putting his hands behind his head watching the stripper just as a familiar blonde haired girl walked over propping herself up against the table.

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