Chapter 37

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“Roo, Roo get up. We need to go to Alex’s.”

“No” Roo rolled over.

Jack stood up stretching, “Fine if you’re not up by the time I get out of the shower and get dressed then I’m going without you.”

“Then go without me, I spent to long away I’m staying in this house for the rest of my life!”

Jack snorted, “You can’t, and I can’t we all have to leave sometime you have a job to get to and I have touring.” He said digging through the closet full of clothes trying to find something to wear.

“But I don’t wanna go, it’s so far away from you I don’t like it.” Roo said laying at the same end of the bed on her back and pouts.

Jack glanced over his shoulder smiling at her expression, “I know, I don’t want you to go either Roo, but it’s your job you can’t let Matt down and I know you don’t want to lose your job over me.” He said taking out a pair of jeans and one of his black T shirts.

“I’ll be a stay at home mom before you know it.” Roo gets up, walks over to him wrapping her arms around his waist and rests her head on his back, “You know I’d give up everything for you.”

Jack smiled weakly at that, “I know. But this is your dream and I wouldn’t want you to give it up.”

“Are you, Alex and Shay taking me to the airport?”

Jack’s smiled instantly fell, “Yeah we are” he said barely in a whisper.

Roo moves to his front and buries her head in his chest, “I hate Matt”

Jack sighed wrapping his arms around her as he put his clothes down on the dresser, “Me too” he mumbled kissing the top of her head. “But we’re strong we can both get through this time will fly.” He said knowing part of that was a lie.

“Three weeks isn’t that long plus we still have the shows in California, I’ll come to them and I can tell you’re lying, I haven’t missed one tour since you guys started the band this is going to suck balls.”

Jack sighed, “Yeah it is, I should get ready though so we can meet up with Alex and Shay.” He said quietly.

“Well then what are we waiting for lets go take a shower and get ready.”

     Jack and Roo took a long 20 minute shower once they were finished they both dried off slipping into their clean clothes Jack fixed his hair the way he wanted it done smiling weakly walking out of the bathroom to see Roo packing her bag frowning instantly.

Roo turned and looked at him, “It’s sad you take longer with your hair then I do.” Roo sighed and sits on the end of the bed.

Jack sighed, “Not true, Alex takes longer plus he’s always 10 minutes later for everything and I bet you he’ll be 10 minutes late for his own wedding and funeral.” He chuckled.

“That’s because Alex is slow as hell and he probably will.” Roo smiled up at him.

Jack laughed, “Ready to go?” he asked pouting a bit.

Roo sighed, “Yeah, have you been frowning all tour?”

Jack sighed a bit nodding, “Yeah” he smiled weakly at her grabbing her bag from the bed throwing it over his shoulder. “Come on before we’re late.” He took her hand in his lacing his fingers with hers walking down the hall grabbing the guitar case with his new guitar inside it heading toward the front door.

“You didn’t even do that for Holly, you were still all smiles and I could have gotten my bag myself, that way you have a free hand to hold mine.”

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