Chapter 23

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“Shay bear, which games should I pack up for the tour?” Alex asked as he sat there In front of the shelf glancing down at the games he had started to collect.

Shay sat beside him, “Assassin’s creed for sure, Call of Duty is a must.” Alex smirked as she took them off the shelves glancing at Shay pinning her down on the floor his legs on either of her sides she wiggled her eye brows staring up into his brown eyes just as his lips touched her own her eyes fluttered shut.

Shay lifted his hands up turning him over straddling him bending down pressing her lips against his, his hands traveled down her sides lifting up her shirt pulling it over her head once she had broken the kiss he left his hands on her sides flipping her over her legs now tangled with his as he kissed down her neck hitting her weak spot just below her earlobe biting back a moan she gripped the back of his shirt pulling it over his head throwing it across the living room somewhere.

“Well thanks for the shirt” Roo mumbled as it landed on her head she took it off tossing it on the couch.

“I knew I should of mentioned shower sex” Alex mumbled against Shay’s skin making her giggle.

“Are you about to have sex on the floor?” Roo asked.

Alex looked up grinning, “Yes, yes we are” he said.

“Wait one second” Roo walked into the kitchen grabbed a soda from the fridge then Sab once she closed it walking out heading back up the stairs, “You may continue” she said.

Alex looked down at Shay a smile on his face she smiled back moving some hair out of his eyes as he pressed his lips back down onto her own her eyes closed once more her fingers were tangled in his messy bed hair as his hands traveled down to her sides to the waist line of her Pajama shorts playing with the waist line suddenly hearing a knock at the door he groaned as the door opened he looked over to see Jack who raised an eye brow pulling his shades up.

“Living room sex” He said.

Alex sighed, “It was going to be” He said walking over grabbing his shirt throwing Shay’s shirt toward her she grabbed it pulling it on as she stood up walking over to Jack pulling him in for a hug he sighed putting down the bags wrapping his arms around her hugging her.

“Need some coffee?” Alex asked.

Jack just nods.

“Let’s pack up the regular show, we’ll have a marathon” Shay said walking over to the movies taking out the regular show stuffing it in the back along with the two games, Roo walked into the kitchen to see Alex making coffee.

“Jack is here but he’s in the living room with Shay” Alex said.

“Well then I’m going back upstairs”

Alex sighed, “Just peck in there Roo before you do, look at him.”

Roo pointed to her face.

“We’re leaving soon Roo, it wouldn’t hurt.” Alex said pouring the coffee in a cup walking out of the kitchen placing the cup on the table sitting next to Shay with Jack on the other side.

Roo sighed and just sat down on the other side of the kitchen.

                                                     After an hour Shay and Alex had everything they needed packed up they were loading everything up on the bus putting everything where it needed to be on top of the bunk which was labeled their junk bunk once finished they both walked out as Jack started to walk out of the house with his things.

“Aren’t you going to put your things on the bus?”

Alex and Shay stood in front of the bus as Sab walked around the yard for a little while, Alex’s arms wrapped around her waist glancing over at Roo and Jack.

Roo shook her head looking down at her feet, “I’m not going”

Jack turned to fully face her, “Why?”

“It’s hard to explain”

“It’s because I fucked up” He started. “You broke up with me because you think if you get close again I’ll turn around and do the same thing, it’s not that hard to explain Roo but it’s just whatever I’ll see you in 3 months.” Jack said quietly grabbing his bag walking onto the bus passing up Shay and Alex he sighed once he threw his bag onto the bus Rooney in his arms giving him a hug.

“I wish you could come with me buddy but you have to stay here with Roo for a couple of months” Rooney looked at him and licked his face he sighed a little walking off the bus back over to where Roo was standing.

“Here’s Rooney”

Roo took Rooney and sniffled a little, Jack sighed standing there a second before wrapping his arms around her bringing her in for a quick hug, “Bye Roo”

Roo sighed, “Bye Jack” She mumbled quietly as he backed away turning his back toward her walking slowly onto te bus going straight to his bunk crawling into it putting in Home Alone.

Alex and Shay walked up to Roo both of them giving her a hug, “Bye Roo, if you ever need us Skype us or call.” Shay said.

“I’m going to be calling you a lot just so you know.” Roo said.

Shay smiled a little, “I’ll have the phone with me at all times”

“Why is it that when someone hurts you so bad you still want them no matter what?” Roo asked as they pulled back from the hug, Alex put his arm around Shay’s waist as she smiled.

“Because it’s true love” Shay said.

Roo sighed putting Rooney down, “He is my pumpkin king but I really can’t keep doing this.” She said quietly.

Shay smiled, “Just give it the three months to think things through, just if he calls you don’t ignore the call it would only make it worse on him.” She said giving her heads up, “Alex and I will keep a good eye on him we promise.” She said.

Alex nods, “I’m sure he’s in his bunk watching home alone, Shay and I will even go join him.”

“I just want to go on that bus and watch it with him.” Roo said.

“Alex! Shay! We need to leave!” Matt yelled.

Alex unwrapped his arm from her waist walking toward the bus. “We can skype tonight if your up to it.” Shay said hugging her one last time. “Bye Roo”

“Bye Shay”

Matt glanced over at Roo and smiled, “I get it Matt, no bye for me be a dick!” Roo shouted.

Matt laughed, “Bye Roo!”

Shay smile a little turning her back, “Sab! Come on” Alex yelled once he stepped onto the bus, Sab was right in front of Shay a smile on her face as he jumped onto the couch she walked toward the back to the bunks to hear Home Alone going.

“Scoot over”

Jack glanced up sighing and scooted over a bit she slid into the bunk next to him resting her head on his shoulder, “It’ll all get better Jacky”

She felt him nod, “I hope so.”

“Hey fuckers scoot over”

Jack moaned, “But there’s no room” He scooted a little more toward the wall letting Alex in also.

“To fucking bad” Alex said as he closed the curtains.

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