Mittlefranken Massacre

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Lyra acted quickly, grabbing the prop sword that had been lying backstage before immediately leaping off the stage towards the conflict. The fake weapon collided with the man's wrist blades. Golden eyes glared at each other, but one pair was flecked a dark shade of scarlet.

Pyrrha stood, taking hold of the railing and ripping it off before jumping down from their box seats. The rest of Team LJNT froze before moving into action.

"I'll call the weapons! Help Lyra!" Janelle frowned, bolting toward the door. Nico took after her as Tanya mimicked Pyrrha's actions.

Lyra was struggling against the mysterious 'Scorpion' as he was faster than her. Dealing with the much lighter sword was strange to her, but she managed to keep her grip on it because of the time she had using Tanya's staff. As she blocked Tyrian's blade once more, she had to focus more aura into the prop sword to stop it from breaking.

Tyrian swiped his leg out, and while Lyra managed to jump over, his tail plunged under the clashing blades. Lyra somehow managed to block with one aura protected arm, and she flipped away to avoid Tyrian's wrist blades.

He rushed at her, a wild smile on his face. Pyrrha jumped in, blocking the blade with her makeshift weapon; the railing. She twirled it rapidly, keeping up with each of Tyrian's quick blows. She ducked, swinging her blade upward and using her semblance to subtly move Tyrian's blade to the side. Her blade sliced his stomach, but he only grinned wider.

He moved in a flurry, and while Pyrrha barely managed to hold him off, his tail swung, knocking her to the side before kicking her to the ground. As Tyrian moved around, his blades hit Tanya's weapon. He quickly slashed his blades, hitting Tanya's fingers and she gasped in pain, with him easily kicking her away.

"Here!" Janelle shouted, tossing a bunch of weapons from her arms clumsily. Pyrrha quickly used her semblance, sending each weapon to everyone. Lyra smirked, twirling her axe before leaping and slamming it downward.

The mysterious man blocked the blow with one blade, withstanding even Lyra's strength with ease before quickly flattening himself to the ground, causing Tanya and Nico to smash into each other as they tried to attack. He shot back up, blocking Lyra's next blow and using his tail to quickly push Tanya and Nico into a wall. As Lyra lunged forward, prepares to flip him into the air, his tail wrapped itself around her, slamming her spawn into the ground before using his blades to slice against her. Lyra's aura flickered as he sliced again and again until Pyrrha flung him to the side with her semblance.

A pair of bystanders ran out, but their attention was focused on a purple haired girl with darker skin that looked similar to them. As Janelle caught sight of them, she lost focus.

What were her parents doing here-?

She didn't have time to contemplate as Scorpion was upon her, quickly overwhelming her blocks with the bow. Splitting her bow into two, she attempted to stop him, but she still couldn't keep up with him. She gasped as Scorpion's tail plunged down on her, her parents looking on with disappointment when her semblance kicked in, blocking the blow for her.

A chain scythe shot forward, grappling onto a pillar and sending a young boy with purple hair flying through the air toward the mysterious murderer. Scorpion just grinned and blocked with his arm, and the boy flipped off his arms in order to kick once more. Chains went flying as his scythes tried to slice Scorpion. However, the Faunus had no problem evading the boy, ducking and toying with him with a grin on his face.

A couple of arrows shot out, sending electricity coursing right toward Scorpion. At the same time, Nico took used Janelle's arrows as a distraction and dashed up with her weapon, Fenrir, to slash back and forth. While Scorpion managed to evade all of them, sending Nico backwards after catching her midair, he couldn't move to stop Lyra's blade from slamming toward him-

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