Do You Believe

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In the confusion of the Grimm showing up at the tournament, Nico had gotten completely separated from her team.

She could barely see, her tears obscuring her vision, but she also couldn't hear them either. There was no trodding of ballet shoes against the concrete, no quiet rhythms of arm braces against a dress, no frantic arm motions everywhere. They didn't seem like they were in anywhere near her.

Everything had turned into chaos. Nico had gotten completely out of the arena, and she roamed Beacon, looking for either her team or Penny's..remains...

This couldn't be real. Penny...Nico swallowed the lump in her throat as she choked out a sob. Penny was gone, ripped apart...her first friend since captivity was now completely gone, forever...

She couldn't help but hope Penny could still function. Maybe...maybe even though she was in pieces, maybe Penny.. maybe...

No. She knew it was pointless to think like that.

Penny was gone.

Penny had died...she was dead...

Nico's ears suddenly stood up in attention as the sound of rustling clothes rushed toward her, and she instinctively moved to the side. She dodged the slice of a sword, and as her eyes shifted to her attacker's face, Nico froze once more in horror.

Flaming red hair.

Tiny white bull horns.

Black clothes.

White Fang Symbol.

White Fang mask...

Adam Taurus.

Immediately, Nico began to speed off in the opposite direction.

Adam didn't waste any time in dashing right after her, easily catching up to her as he skillfully swung his blade quickly. Nico's heart pounded in her chest as she barely managed to block his quick and skillfully placed blows.

His sword swung under hers, and the blade passed through Nico's body as she activated her semblance. As she shaped back into reality, Adam reached forward and grabbed her by the neck, stopping her in her tracks as she gasped loudly, her free hand clawing at his hand.

"I studied you for years, do you really think I don't know every move you're about to make?" Adam sneered before he sliced his sword into her, sending her across the ground. She clumsily got to her feet before she attempted to run once more, Adam easily catching up to her. Nico split her sword in two, her blades swinging in a rapid fashion, though he blocked every blow of hers before he swung his blade before kicking outward, his foot phasing through Nico's shadowy form. As she came back to reality, Adam suddenly unleashed a flurry of attacks, his sword flying at her from so many directions. She cried out his sword jabbed her, her aura breaking as she stumbled backward.

His sword slashed into her, slicing a bloody wound into Nico's abdomen. Nico fell to the ground on her stomach, her scroll falling out of her pocket. She feebly reached her hand toward her scroll, hoping she could call someone for help...

She screamed, pain exploding through her hand as Adam stomped on her fingers. Tears gushed from her eyes, and she could just barely make out Adam's red sword crushing her scroll. Nico's non-mangled hand clutched at her wound as she sniffled, Adam laughing above her.

"It's a shame. You had so much potential...much more than your pathetic siblings," Adam scoffed as Nico growled at the mention of her deceased loved ones. She tried to reach for her sword, and Adam laughed. "Instead, you're just a failure...and failed experiments die!"

His sword swung once more, intending to stab through her chest. Instead, a bullet knocked into his hand, knocking off his aim. Ironwood appeared, his gun firing rapid shots toward Adam, who used his sword to block each one. Ironwood ran, his gun shooting bullets out at a rapid speed before he kicked outward.

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