In Destiny?

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Pyrrha quickly threw her shield straight at Cinder, and the woman smacked it away easily. Lyra swung her axe toward Cinder, a murderous look on her face. Cinder quickly reacted despite Pyrrha's distraction, and she blasted a heavy stream of fire with both hands toward Lyra. The golden eyed warrior gasped, narrowly twisting to try and avoid the blow. Cinder swung a fiery blade downward toward the girl, sending Lyra smashing into the ground. Cinder smirked before turning to the redhead, knowing Pyrrha was defenseless...

Or so she thought.

Cinder's eyes widened as she observed the metal remnants of the equipment floating in the air. Pyrrha was standing with her hands held out in concentration, and she quickly used her hand to fling Lyra's axe out of harm's way, bringing the golden eyed warrior with it.

Then she flung a piece right toward Cinder, striking her square in the stomach. A piece of metal from above flew downward, trapping Cinder in the shards. Pyrrha unloaded all of the equipment onto Cinder with all of her semblance's strength as Lyra tried to regain her bearings.

The metal was glowing with orange embers.

Cinder shot out of them with another spherical blast of fire, hitting both Pyrrha and Lyra. Pyrrha flew backward, hitting a piece of rubble. Red hot pain seared through her, and she panted, tired. Lyra managed to remain standing due to her semblance helping her stand strong.

As the fog cleared, Cinder stood with a bow, an arrow nocked straight toward Pyrrha. What she hadn't expected was for a golden eyed warrior to lunge straight for her. Cinder easily dodged before she blocked Lyra's first blow with her bow, but under the weight of Lyra's massive strength, her dusted bow broke.

Lyra's axe tore through the weapon, slicing Cinder straight in the chest. Much to Lyra's dismay...Cinder still had plenty of aura left. Her golden axe didn't even scratch Cinder's flesh. Lyra's eyes glinted red once more as she swung again, the force from her weapon sending Cinder across the roof.

Pyrrha quickly grabbed her shield, throwing it right at Cinder. The woman quickly propelled herself away with the use of her maiden powers. Cinder levitated far into the air, creating a ball of fire bigger than she was. She was getting irritated; this was taking up way more time than she wanted, and she was going to get revenge on the one who had managed to draw blood from her.

Cinder launched it straight at Lyra, beams of hot fire shooting straight at the girl. Lyra's golden eyes widened as she flipped out of danger, but Cinder conjured another, much bigger one before sending it toward Lyra once more. As Lyra did a handspring to get away, Cinder swooped downward, catching Lyra out of position. Cinder flew straight into the air before creating a dust sword in her other hand. She slammed it downward into Lyra's stomach, sending them crashing down to the ground. Lyra could feel her aura fading...just before she crashed, she felt Pyrrha's semblance on her axe jerk upwards, and Lyra was yanked above the ground by her axe.

She was saved from the fall, but Cinder was below her. Cinder simply swung her sword, catching Lyra off guard. She got in two slices before Pyrrha used her semblance to block Cinder with Midas.

Lyra fell to the ground, her aura utterly destroyed. Cinder still looked perfectly fine except for the slight blood on her, but even her ear was perfectly healed up now. Cinder leered over her, a smirk on her face before turning back towards Pyrrha.

The red haired warrior had nothing but her shield. Pyrrha charged toward Cinder, rolling and ducking under Cinder's shots of fire. She used the fragmented pieces of her shattered weapon, twirling them around herself to block Cinder. The pointed end of her javelin twirled around, slicing into Cinder once. Cinder's eyes glowed with her maiden powers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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