A "Grimm" Society

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"Is that the Pyrrha Nikos!? Oh, and Lyra too-! And Weiss Schnee-oh my gosh, this is a dream come true!!"

Two teenage girls whispered from the side of the street excitedly as Team LJNT, Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss, and Yang passed. The one with crimson hair fawned openly while the one with shoulder length pink hair and bright orange glasses hid behind the other girl.

Lyra grinned, enjoying the fame. Weiss simply turned her nose up, a satisfied smirk on her own face. Pyrrha simply smiled softly, waving like the poster girl she was. Only Lyra could see the deepest loneliness hidden inside of her emerald eyes. Lyra reached over to comfortingly grab her sister's hand.

"C-Could I have all your autographs?" The shorter girl with the glasses asked shyly, holding out a notebook and a black pen. Her hand was shaking. Lyra smiled and nodded, releasing her sister's hand.

"No worries," Lyra took the paper and pen, signing her name in her best cursive before handing it to Pyrrha. She took it as well, signing her name in much nicer handwriting than Lyra's before giving it to Weiss. The heiress sighed it, handing it back to the girl.

Thank you so much!" The girl with crimson hair grinned, looking at the huntresses brightly. "You guys...wow, you're all like super heroes!"

"Haha, yeah! I like the sound of that!" Yang grinned enthusiastically before adjusting the aviators on her face. "Superhero Yang, punching her way to victory!"

"I suppose we are sort of like super heroes," Janelle responded, feeling a bit awkward. The overt excitement wasn't something she was completely comfortable yet, but she was starting to get used to it (after all, she had Tanya as a partner). "We will all protect you. I promise that."

The two girls squealed excitedly in response to this, scanning over their faces. Slowly, though, the excitement turned to shock as their eyes rested on Nico. The girl with crimson hair screamed at the sight of her.

"G-Grimm!" She pointed in fear, shielding the bespectacled girl behind her. The scene reminded Lyra of two other girls she had once known in the past...

"No, no," Lyra was the first to step in and correct the two girls as she saw Nico's ears droop downward sadly. Lyra, what are you doing? Agree with them, the voice hissed, but Lyra shook her head from side to side, trying to reassure the girls as she walked over to Nico. Lyra was originally going to wrap her arm around Nico's shoulders in a friendly gesture, but...even now, she still hesitated. The sight of the red eyes wasn't something that was just going to leave her mind instantly. Damn. Lyra cursed inwardly; she wished that she could just be comfortable around Nico immediately, but things weren't that easy.... Instead, Lyra just pointed, an awkward smile on her face. "She's with us. I promise she's human."

"B-But she looks like a-a-a Grimm!" The pink haired girl stuttered, her legs shaking as she clutched onto her friend's arm tighter. Nico self-consciously placed her hood over her head so that they covered her ears.

"Hey, hey! It's going to be alright," Ruby coaxed, a warm look in her silvery irises. The girls stared at Ruby fearfully as the girl extended her hand toward them. "You don't think a Faunus is a sheep just because of their horns, do you?"


"Then why should you think she's a Grimm based off of her ears?" Ruby asked, and the pink haired girl frowned.

"I-It's not just the ears, though!" She protested, grasping onto the girl in front of her tighter. "T-T-The markings, a-and t-the tail-"

"They have nothing to do with her personality," Lyra reassured them as she placed a warm smile on her face. Yes, this was true. After all, Nico had been willing to fight to protect Lyra. No Grimm would do that. "I promise you. Nico is my partner...not a Grimm."


"...I trust Lyra!" The crimson haired girl shouted. While her eyes were still uncertain, she had a certain courage to them. "If she trusts this girl...then I will, too!"


"There is always more to a person than what meets the eye," Pyrrha interrupted the uncertain girl. "You just have to take the time to look for it. If you saw Nico, you'd know that she's just as admirable as Lyra, Weiss, and myself."

"Well, I'm not completely sure about that," Weiss turned her nose upward defiantly, but after a beat, she reluctantly softened her gaze and turned to the children. "Professor Ozpin trusts Nico, too."

"Yes, and the headmaster is incredibly credible," Janelle couldn't agree more with Weiss, glad to see that someone else was sensible. "He wouldn't place us on a team with someone who is going to hurt us."

"Yeah!" Tanya pumped her fist into the air energetically, hoping to spread her positivity into the unsure teenager. "So, you know now, right?"

"...Y-Yeah. I guess I really shouldn't judge people off of their features..." The girl frowned. They could tell she still wasn't fully convinced, but the redheaded girl smiled cheerfully.

"Right-o! Okay, well, we've got to go. Bye everyone, thank you for signing her book!"

The two girls disappeared down the street, and Lyra sighed in relief, glad that the situation was over. She turned to her partner, and Lyra herself had to admit it was easier to pretend Nico was human with the hood covering her ears. Lyra brought her hand up to pat Nico on the shoulder, and the Grimm girl flinched away slightly in confusion.

"It's okay, Nico," Lyra said, knowing that she was being slightly hypocritical by saying this. But at the very least, she was trying! She would accept her partner at one point. She knew she would. You're making a mistake, the voice snarled. "They don't know the truth.."

"...Well, anyways, I can see the ice cream shop from here!" Tanya interrupted the tender moment excitedly as she spotted the store. "Race you all there!"

"Oh, you're on!" Yang grinned mischievously, and the two raced down the street. It wasn't long before Ruby joined in, using her semblance and speeding past the other two, and complaining could be heard all the way from where Lyra and Pyrrha stood. Janelle and Weiss simply sighed, while Lyra grabbed her sister's hand once more.

"You know, I wish we could all be on one big team," Lyra sighed dreamily as the two slowly made their way toward the others. "It would be so cool..."

"It would....but my place is with my team, and your place is with yours," Pyrrha smiled, a warm look in her emerald eyes. "Destiny placed us in these situations for a reason...we should do our best to create the best future we're able."

"Destiny...hm. Yeah, I'm sure destiny has great things in store for us! I can't wait to see what awaits us."

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