The Fall of Beacon

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The Grimm were scattered everywhere.

A mess of Atlas' soldiers and personnel as well as the Grimm were scattered everywhere, spreading panic and chaos absolutely everywhere. Civilians ran everywhere while Huntresses and Hunters were scattered trying to fend off enemies or escort civilians.


"Where is the rest of the team!?" Tanya exclaimed as her and Janelle ran through the shambles of Beacon. "Do you think they...they..."

"I saw Lyra go off with Pyrrha and Headmaster Ozpin, remember?" Janelle said. "I do not know where Nico disappeared to, however."

"That should be our first priority..." Tanya glanced around. "But we need to help around. Let's split up. I'll go left, you go right. Let's help out, but keep an eye out for Nico!"


Tanya continued running, separating from her
partner. A couple of familiar faces caught her eye, and Tanya sprinted forward to face a large, white, Atlas robot.

What was meant to protect the city had turned against them.

Tanya jumped inward toward the robot, her staff swinging wildly toward the hacked Atlas' robot. Her staff just bounced off of it, barely
managing to do anything. She backed off as she avoided a rocket before she turned her staff into it's rifle form, firing multiple fire dusted rockets at the robot. While they barely managed to dent the metal, she had successfully turned the attention away from Team GLCR.

"Thank you for the backup," Grayson shouted before he thrust his electricity dusted trident forward, temporarily disabling the bot. He was unable to take advantage of this opportunity as another bot shot it's large arm forward, sending Grayson tumbling across the floor. Raewyn quickly leapt in, her axe swinging while Lana's electric batons quickly danced around the bots. Colden's gauntlets drummed against the robot's leg furiously, while both Tanya shot dusted bullets.

They barely even managed to make a dent.

"Lana, arm!" Grayson shouted, and Lana tossed her batons to one hand before she extended her one arm out, stretching it out as far as she could. Grayson caught her extended hand. "Raewyn, Colden-!"

Raewyn dodged an attack, flipping toward them and lining herself up in the middle of the arm, while Colden got behind her. Colden pulled Lana's elongated arm backward before he let go, launching Raewyn up into the air. Her axe swung, managing to lodge between two pieces of the robot's armor. The robot began to fizzle, and Colden took the opportunity to charge forward, take off his gloves, and send explosions flying from his hands.

An arm flew off the robot, yet even the coordinated attack barely did much. A group of Ursas and Deathstalkers creeped onward, and panic only continued to rise within the group. They continued to fight, but...

No matter how many Grimm they killed, they just kept on coming.

Tanya inhaled sharply as she was hit by three rockets from the Atlas robot, her aura beginning to flicker. It wasn't just her; GLCR themselves all were breathing harshly while their auras flickered. The robot punched forward, sending Colden flying into a wall and knocking him unconscious.

"Ah-Colden!" Lana narrowed her eyes before she quickly maneuvered her way toward Colden's body. "You're not laying a hand on him!!"

Electric batons swung, sending electrocuted Grimm everywhere. She flipped over and under, trying to defend Colden when an Ursa swiped at her feet, tripping her before the large Deathstalker plunged it's stinger into Lana's stomach.

The moment seemed to happen in slow motion.

Lana clutched at her stomach as she cried out in pain, her batons trying to thrash out and hit the Deathstalker's stinger. All she managed to do was piss it off, and it lifted it's stinger and swung, slamming her downward into the ground. Blood pooled from her mouth and body as she gasped in pain.

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