Painful Memories

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"Nico...You are looking rather pallid. Are you alright?"

Janelle was concerned for her teammate who had been dragging her feet as they walked through the White Fang base. Nico had her ears perked to the sky on alert, and her expression was full of fear and hate.

"I think she looks the same," Lyra responded in a cheery voice. Now that they were inside, away from any Grimm, she had slipped back into a happy demeanor. With Nico's lack of response, Lyra frowned. "Hm...Is everything okay, Nico?"

Nico didn't reply; all she could focus on was the uncomfortable environment around her. Why was she here...she hated it. She wanted to go home, hell, she wanted to go anywhere except here. She'd rather be with Ironwood than here! But Ozpin had taken her here for some reason...he must have had some reason aside from torturing her, but what was it?

"Um, Nico? Did you hear me?" Lyra questioned quizzically as she effortlessly twirled her large axe in her hands. She pouted in slight frustration at Nico's silence. "What's wrong, Nico?"

"Yeah, what is wrong?" Tanya interjected. "You and Ozpin mentioned experiments and all that awhile ago...what happened to you, Nico?"

Nico still remained stubbornly quiet. Lyra sighed.

" can trust us," Lyra placed her hand on Nico's shoulder. The voice was gone, strangely enough. "At least, I hope you can.."

Nico remained quiet. Lyra's frown grew deeper, and she was just about to move her hand when Nico spoke in a panicky tone.

"T-T-This is where I was kidnapped, w-where I w-was turned i-into a G-G-Grimm, w-where I l-lost m-my humanity and my sanity and my family-" Nico's expression turned to one of pain, and she covered her face for a brief moment before taking a deep breath and composing herself. "I-I...was held here...before I escaped..."

"So this is the place...? I'm so sorry, shouldn't have to come in here," Lyra apologized, shooting a look towards Professor Ozpin. "With all due respect, Professor, you shouldn't have brought us here. This place has got to be painful for Nico!"

"On the contrary, that is precisely why I brought her here," Ozpin shook his head before sipping from his cup casually. "I told you this was a special meant to test everyone's limits. You may leave if you wish, it is always an option...but you will fail the mission if you choose to do so."

"Fail the mission? Professor Ozpin, that's crazy!" Lyra shook her head. "You honestly can't expect to have Nico function while haunted by these memories!"

"A huntress must learn to work even in unfavorable circumstances," Ozpin explained his actions, unfazed by Lyra's scolding. "And if I'm correct, Miss Ng-Nikos, you usually work in the scenario you just described."

Lyra remained silent at this, directing her gaze back towards Nico. The small voice was beginning to whisper thoughts of death for Grimm...for Nico...Nico took a shaky breath before speaking.

"I-I'll be okay. I-I can do it," Nico said, even though her hands were trembling. "W-We're not going t-to fail...because of me..."

"Are you sure?" Tanya questioned, and Nico nodded. Considering she was let into the school at a young age, she thought Ozpin might revoke her privilege if she failed now. She couldn't go back to Ironwood, she refused. Ozpin was testing her...and she couldn't fail.

"Good," Janelle approved of Nico's determination. "We are not going to fail the mission because your own emotions got in the way."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lyra glanced over to her other teammate in slight irritation. "Emotions don't get in the way!"

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