The First Mission

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"What do you think Professor Ozpin has in mind?"

Lyra paced back and forth as they awaited for Ozpin to come. They'd been officially called to meet with him, excusing them from class as they had walked to Ozpin's office. Now, they were just waiting to be left in. Tanya shrugged, unsure of what the answer was to Lyra's question.

"No idea what that guy ever has in mind," Tanya admitted, casually flipping a coin in amusement.

"He is our headmaster, and should be addressed properly," Janelle corrected. "He said he had some sort of special mission in mind. It must be important if we are missing critical instructional value..."

"Ozpin p-probably has something weird in mind," Nico muttered. It was still weird for her to talk to her teammates, but she was reassured to know that she wasn't the only one who was worried about what the Headmaster had planned. "P-Probably something...dangerous..."

"Yes, well, we're up to the challenge," Lyra said confidently as she stopped her pacing. "Still, I want to know so badly...what's the point of calling us if he's not ready to see us?"

As if on cue, the doors opened, revealing Professor Ozpin behind them. He smiled, holding a coffee cup in one hand and his cane in the other.

"Hello, girls," He greeted nonchalantly as Janelle bowed her head in respect. Ozpin scanned over the four girls before continuing on with his greeting. "I'm sure you're wondering why I've brought you here today."

"Yes," Lyra replied, but said nothing else as she waited for him to continue. He sipped
from his cup once more.

"I sense something very....special about you four. I'd like to test my I'm sending all of you on an extermination mission near Wylfing," Ozpin revealed. Lyra immediately perked up at the thought of killing more Grimm, a dark look in her golden eyes. "This is normally a mission we offer to second year students, but...I'm making an exception for you four."

"Um, pardon me...but where is Wylfing?" Janelle was astounded by the little information he had provided on their special trip. "How are we supposed to go on a mission when none of us are experienced or aware of our surroundings?"

Ozpin smiled at this.

"Because I'll be coming with you."

Despite their surprise, the Headmaster confirmed that yes, he was being completely serious. So Team LJNT summoned their weapons from their weapon lockers, taking a plane alongside Professor Ozpin towards Wylfing. Lyra ran her hand against the blade of Midas, impatient to run it into the Grimm that she'd meet. The voice in her head was beginning to grow stronger, and Lyra couldn't wait to satisfy it. Lately, it had been bothering her, wanting to kill Nico all the time...Lyra just wanted it to leave her alone. Speaking of Nico, she was sitting alone, looking anxious. For some reason, she had a bad feeling about their destination. The rest of the team was looking outside.

"I can't believe we're going on our first mission already!" Tanya exclaimed happily to her partner as she jumped upward. "Were going to do great!"

"Perhaps we might do even better if we took this time to focus and prepare ourselves for the tough mission ahead of us," Janelle replied tensely, unamused by Tanya's enthusiasm. "Only through intense preparation can we succeed."

"Oh, come on, Janelle," Tanya whined. "How are we supposed to prep? We don't even know what we're heading into!"

"That is exactly why we should be preparing," Janelle disagreed readily. "We do not know the environment around us, so we should have some sort of plan so we are not walking in blind. Look, I am sure Lyra is thinking of something right now!"

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