A Monstrous Proposition

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Monster. Monster. Monster.

That's what they see you as, Lyra. Why not just ignore them and focus on killing the true monsters?

Kyra's voice was incredibly insistent as Lyra made her way through the streets of Beacon. Lyra continued to greet and talk to fans, even as Kyra's voice continued to try and coax her into the Emerald Forest. The smile on Lyra's face grew strained as Kyra grew louder, joined by the cries of her mother and father...

Lyra excused herself from a conversation before she stopped dead in her tracks. She was at the edge of Beacon, right by the Emerald Forest where she had just previously been with Nico.

Nico...that traitor.

The voice wasn't Kyra's now.

Lyra's nails dug into her palms.

After everything we've been through...I see I mean nothing to her. Nothing! Why was I so foolish as to think...I finally found someone who...

The wind blew against Lyra's back, almost beckoning her to the forest. This time, however, the calls to kill were stronger. There was no other reason to enter the forest other than to kill...

Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Avenge us, do it...

Lyra took a step forward as she unfastened her axe from her back. She didn't make it very far, as Professor Ozpin's voice rang out to stop her.

"Where do you think you're going, Miss Ng-Nikos?"

Lyra's foot stopped mid-step, and she turned toward Professor Ozpin with a smile as she nonchalantly tucked her axe behind her back.

"Oh, nowhere, Professor," even though she was a master at lying, Lyra knew that there was no lie she could come up with here to excuse the fact that she had clearly been walking toward the Emerald Forest with her axe. "What have you been up to?"

"Nothing much. Just looking around Beacon and seeing a celebrity trying to disobey basic rules about the Grimm," Ozpin smiled back. "What were you doing trying to fight the Grimm without a supervisor? You know the rules."


"...Does it have something to do with your team? I'm surprised to not see them," Ozpin glanced around. Lyra kept her tone even so she didn't give anything away.

"No. They're fine."

They just see me as a monster and never want to be around me. I'm stupid, so stupid...for thinking anyone besides Pyrrha would want to be around me.

"Well, if that's all set, would you mind following me?"

Lyra just nodded, and let Ozpin lead her toward his office. They made it up the elevator, and much to Lyra's surprise, Pyrrha was already there waiting.

"Pyrrha? Professor...what are we here for?"

Ozpin took a seat, gesturing for her to sit as well. Lyra shrugged before she sat next to her sister. Ozpin folded his hands over his desk, a serious look overtaking his usual casual front.

"Have you two ever heard of the tale of the four maidens?"

"Yes! Once upon a time, there was an elderly Wizard who was visited by four sisters. The first encouraged him to meditate and reflect,the second brought him fruit and flowers and revitalized his garden, the third convinced him to step outside and embrace the world, and the fourth encouraged him to be thankful. The wizard then gave the four sisters great powers in return for their kindness, and as the embodiment of the four seasons, they went through Remnant spreading their gifts," Pyrrha's smile faded. "But that is just a story. What's the point in all of this?"

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