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Nico had a mission.

Ever since she'd seen Team RWBY's third member, Nico knew she had some business to attend to.

She had kept her weapon by her side at all times ever since knowing that Blake was here. Now, she just needed the perfect time to strike. She had been waiting for forever to see that the girl was separated...

Well, now was the time.

The cat Faunus was sitting on a bench by herself in the late afternoon, around dinner time. No one was around her, and Nico bared her teeth, growling.

She struck out of her hiding spot, swinging her sword straight at Blake. Blake's concealed ears perked up upon hearing Nico's movement, and Nico's sword sliced through a shadowy clone of Blake. The girl had a terrified look in her eyes as she saw who her opponent was.

"N-Nico, wait-"

Nico had nothing to listen to, not from the girl who had helped to imprison her! Blake was a previous terrorist and high ranking member of the White Fang, and yet, here she was! Nico growled menacingly, splitting her sword into two katanas as she lunged forward once more.

Nico was fast, but so was Blake. Even without a weapon, Blake could dodge quickly, and when things got dodgy, she activated her semblance so that Nico merely hit a clone.

This just served to make Nico angrier.

"I'm not here to fight you!" Blake cried out as she ducked under Nico's blades. She cried out as Nico thrusted her other blade forward too quick for Blake to react to, and Blake flew backward, even under the protection of her aura. "I know you're angry, but just let me explain-!"

Nico didn't stop for even a second. Nico swung her katanas once more, unrelenting. The yellow eyed Blake did multiple back walkovers to retreat further, a frightened look in her eyes as Nico neared her with a murderous glare. Blake wasn't dumb enough to think she stood a chance against someone while she was weaponless. The only thing left she could do was hope that Nico would hear her out.

"Please, Nico! You have to believe me, I begged Adam to stop those experiments!l


Nico froze for a split second just at the mention of one of her captors before fury overtook her fear. She rushed Blake in a rage, her red eyes narrowed in violent anger as adrenaline filled her veins. She rushed at Blake with more conviction than before, and Nico's blades swung toward Blake more urgently.

Blake ducked under one of Nico's blades, and she quickly rolled under another. Nico combined her blades into one, digging it into the ground as leverage as she roundhouse kicked Blake. Her kick hit a shadow of Blake, who appeared on the right of Nico.

"I didn't want him to continue! But he wouldn't listen to me," Blake tried to explain, even as Nico continued to near her menacingly. Blake just kept retreating as Nico panted heavily, murderous intent in her eyes even as Blake pleaded. "They started experimenting on you long before I was even in the White Fang. Every time I passed your cage, I begged him to let you go! That's one of the reasons I left. You made me realize he was evil...I'm the same as you. I'm running from him, too!"

Nico wouldn't listen. She charged straight for Blake once more, this time feinting a blow to the right and instead swinging from the left. Blake was taken aback, and she cried out as Nico's blade sliced downward, breaking her aura as Blake fell to the ground. She tried to scramble away, fear eminent in her yellow eyes.

Nico advanced closer, and she swung her sword at the girl on the ground. She hadn't anticipated anyone stepping when Tanya appeared out of the blue to block the blow, Nico didn't even have time to register what' was going on. Usually, her Grimm senses were keen enough to notice movement around her, yet she had been so focused on Blake that it hadn't even mattered in that moment. As a result, Nico froze for a second in just sheer shock, and Tanya took advantage of this to swing her leg into Nico's stomach, sending the Grimm girl backwards.

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