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"Lyra Ng-Nikos. Janelle Torres. Nico Legaspi. Tanya Jenks. The four of you retrieved the black queen pieces," Professor Ozpin announced grandiosely, gesturing elegantly. Three girls were standing together with their hands clasped behind their backs in respect, while Lyra only seethed with anger. She glared at Nico, unable to fathom how the Grimm was in the academy at all. "You will now work together, and be known as... Team LJNT. Led by... Lyra."

"...Is this some kind of twisted joke!?" Lyra exclaimed, a murderous look on her face. She didn't care that there were people watching; there was a Grimm in front of her. Kill it, the voice began to chant once more. Kill it, do it! "That is a Grimm. Grimm will die. I refuse. I will not be on the same team as a damned Grimm!"

"Miss N-"

"No. No!" Lyra snarled, stomping toward Nico. She didn't need her weapon; she'd snap the Grimm's neck with her own hands if she needed to. "I am a huntress. I will do my duty and destroy any Grimm that stand in my path!"

"Yeah! Death to the Grimm!" Someone began to shout from the crowd, and it didn't take long for the entire arena to join in. Lyra's lips curled into a tight smile. So, the others agreed. She'd bring them justice, just as the voice demanded as well.

"That's enough," Ozpin frowned, a stern look in his brown eyes as he tried to interrupt the chanting. They didn't stop, so instead, Ozpin turned to Lyra. "Miss Ng, follow me."

Lyra remained silent. She glared down at the shorter girl menacingly, but Nico just looked more upset than scared.

"Lyra, please just hear Professor Ozpin out," Tanya pleaded, but the new-found team leader would not budge.

"Lyra, please...go."

It was only the sound of Pyrrha's pleading voice that snapped Lyra out of her rage. The voice inside of her head was dulled out slightly by the sound of Pyrrha sincerely telling Lyra to go. Lyra glanced toward her sister, and sighed. With another moment of hesitation and seeing Pyrrha's desperate face, Lyra gave in. The voice howled in fury, but Lyra couldn't oblige this time. If there was one person she could never fight, it was Pyrrha when she was upset. She followed the headmaster, but her glare never left the Grimm girl.

"...Headmaster Ozpin. Why would you invite a Grimm to our school!?" Lyra followed the older man who was calmly walking, ignoring the fact that Lyra had just tried to kill another student. "All Grimm must die. To ask me to fight beside one of those monsters...I must take them all down, I must."

"Miss Legaspi has been through a lot more than you think she has."

"Is killing so hard? Causing mass panic and terror?" Lyra sneered in fury, seething as she stomped behind the Professor. "Sounds so incredibly hard. Meanwhile, the rest of us deal with the problems she caused. I will do my duty as a huntress!"

"No, that's not what she was doing," Ozpin responded sedately, a smile on his face as he sipped from his coffee cup. "Do you realize that Miss Legaspi was just an innocent girl before all of this, correct?"

Lyra stopped and stared at him darkly in suspicion. He nodded, tapping his cane against the ground lightly before continuing on again.

"She was kidnapped by the White Fang," Ozpin continued to explain. "I'm sure you know who they are. The organization that is trying to fight for Faunus rights..well, anyway. They were trying to make her a weapon. They turned her into a Grimm. She has spent her life locked in a cell."

"That's impossible," Lyra snarled in distaste and disbelief. Her fists clenched by her sides. "Someone would have stopped that. We would have all known about such an awful deed."

"General Ironwood was convinced her existence should remain a secret," Ozpin shrugged, sipping from his coffee cup once again. "He was rather adamant about keeping her in hiding, never allowing her to see the world. I wanted her to have a I invited her here with the promise that her upbringing would remain unknown."

"So, what? She's a Grimm-"

"She's an innocent girl who was turned into a weapon against her will," Ozpin reminded her sternly. "She's not a Grimm. She has full sentience,
and she just wants to learn to be human. Give her a chance."

It's a Grimm! Kill it!

"Give it a chance?" Lyra scoffed at this, irritated with her circumstances. The voice was screaming, irritated. "I can do no such thing. Not as a partner, not as a friend, not as a person. It will only kill me to trust her."

"You won't know unless you try to get past your anger," Ozpin responded, stopping. They had come across the room where everyone's suitcases were. "This intense hatred of the Grimm will only end up being your downfall. I'd hate to see you slip into darkness because of it."

Lyra remained silent again. She still looked rather unhappy, but the dark look on her face had disappeared. Now, she looked somewhat curious, but stubbornly angry. She closed her eyes as she argued with the furious voice.

"...I have no choice, do I?" Lyra placed her hands on her hips indignantly. You always have a choice! Kill it! Avenge me! Ozpin shook his head from side to side, and Lyra sighed. "...Why me? I don't understand. Out of all the people, you chose me?"

"I believe it will be a good experience to see you get past your anger," Ozpin said calmly. "It will either be that...or your hatred will consume you into darkness. I hope that is not the case."

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