Ironwoods Concerns

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"Nico Legaspi, who authorized you to head into that tournament?"

Unfortunately, the fun couldn't last for long. After Team GLCR had said their goodbyes, General Ironwood, the headmaster of Atlas Academy, had stormed up toward Nico.

Nico seemed to shrink further into her clothes as she stared down at the ground, unsure of what to say. Ironwood stared her down accusingly.

"You're-You're General Ironwood!" Tanya couldn't help but fawn over one of her most famed Huntsman. He eyed her, a look of recognition on his face.

"...Tanya, correct? Tanya Jenks?" A hint of a smile grew on Ironwood's face. "I didn't know you went to Beacon. Why not choose Atlas?"

"Well, my grandpapa told me Beacon was the best, so..."

"Alm always did enjoy his time at Beacon..Your parents are around, Tanya, if you are interested-"

"No, thanks. I don't think they want anything to do with me," Tanya sighed. "...I'm having more fun without them, anyway."

"Very well," Ironwood said before he placed his arms behind him, a more formal tone overtaking him. "Now then, Miss Legaspi. I thought we were clear on the terms. By allowing you to reside at Beacon, you were to remain hidden."

"Yes, those were the terms. But Miss Legaspi is planning to be a Huntress, she will eventually be seen by everyone," Professor Ozpin suddenly appeared, a serene smile on his face. "Exposure is good for her now rather than later, so I decided Miss Legaspi should be allowed in the festival."

"Ozpin, you know there will be chaos when people find out. It's better for everyone involved, including her," Ironwood looked over to Nico. "Do you think she wants to hear people tell her she doesn't belong?"

"Nico does belong. If anyone says anything, Tanya and I will be the first to dispute those claims," Janelle said with a frown.

"Whether they like it or not, Nico does indeed exist," Ozpin sipped from his coffee mug. "I understand Atlas doesn't look upon Faunus very well, so i understand your concern. But people must learn eventually, no matter how hard the issue may seem."

"I-I-I don't w-wanna be judged," Nico mumbled under her breath. "M-Maybe it's b-better if I j-just b-bow out..."

"No, I'm sure everything will be fine!" Tanya exclaimed. "Right, general?"

"...Unfortunately, I'm not sure people will be as willing to see things as you do," Ironwood said with a sigh. "But if Ozpin thinks it's a good idea, then alright."

"Good," Ozpin smiled before he turned to the three members of Team LJNT. "Where is your leader?"

"Oh, Lyra? She went off to go watch Mura," Tanya revealed. "She hasn't come back, though...and I feel like the match should have ended by now. Oh well!"

"Hm...In that case, I'll take my leave," Ozpin said. "See you girls around. Enjoy your time off."

"...Be careful, Nico," was all Ironwood said as the two headmasters set off. Tanya breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes! I knew they'd let you participate."

"Yes, but..." Janelle frowned. "I have a bad feeling."


"Miss Ng-Nikos? Are you in there?"

Lyra turned to the door upon hearing Ozpin's voice. Lyra hurried to the mirror as she rushed to wipe the black smudges under her eyes and brush her tangled hair. She took a deep breath to compose herself before she plastered a smile on her face.

"Yes? Do you need something?" Lyra asked as she opened the door. He was standing there alone, a cup of coffee in his hands. He offered her his own smile.

"Would you care to accompany me for a walk?" He invited.

"Um, sure."

The two stepped out of the dorms and walked through the filled streets of Beacon Academy. Students from every place were socializing and laughing. Lyra glanced over at her headmaster in confusion.

"Professor...I don't-I don't understand why you've called for me."

"...What if I told you that you were destined for something great?" Ozpin asked, his brown eyes focused on her golden ones. She blinked, confused.

"Of course I am. I'm Lyra Ng-Nikos," Lyra shrugged. "Why?"

"Peace cannot last forever. I'm sure you've noticed the growing security. Something is coming...I just wanted to make sure you are prepared to lead your team when that comes."

"Why is it that you're so interested in our team?" Lyra eyed her headmaster. "Extra missions, talks, meetings...why? I don't understand."

"...I would love to wait until I know you all are ready, but we simply might not have the time for that. I have a good feeling about your team...but you still need to step up, just as your teammates did."

"Excuse me-"

"It's not a weakness to show your true self," Ozpin said. "Do you think they will judge you?"


"You need to be ready to lead your team, or..." He paused. "Or else everything will fall apart..."

"How do you even know that?" Lyra shook her head from side to side. "It's just my team. We're one team out of millions. Why does it matter that it's my team?"

"...Once the festival is over, I'll tell you everything, I promise. But for now, you need to be patient."

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