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It was time to prepare for initiation. Beacon Academy wasted no time; it was their second day, and they were being called upon immediately. Lyra and Pyrrha resided by the weapon lockers, looking at them decidedly.

"I wonder what we're going to be doing today," Lyra mused, fiddling with her locker combination. She satisfyingly pulled out her golden axe, Midas, strapping it to her back after twirling it in her hands expertly. "Probably just some training drills."

"Yes, you're probably right," Pyrrha adjusted her glove with one hand, looking down. A significantly shorter female with porcelain skin and hair as white as snow approached them, her hands on her hips. Lyra frowned slightly.

Her name was Weiss Schnee. She was the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, a corporation that produced elemental crystals that hunters and huntresses could use. She had already approached them both before, looking about as snobbish as everyone had expected.

"So Pyrrha, Lyra," Weiss folded her hands in front of her skirt with a pleasant smile. "Have you put any thought as to whose team you want to be on? I'm sure everyone is eager to unite with such strong, well known individuals."

"Hmm," Pyrrha shrugged modestly, placing a hand on her hip. Lyra's frown grew deeper as Weiss reminded Pyrrha of her constant pedestal status, and Lyra folded her arms in irritation. While she was prepared to tell Weiss to back down, Pyrrha was too nice to admit her frustration. "I'm not quite sure."

"Maybe we could all be on a team together!"

"Sounds grand," Pyrrha replied politely, although she glanced over to Lyra with a somewhat trapped expression.

"You know what else is grand?" A blonde boy leaned between Pyrrha and Weiss, glancing at the heiress confidently as he leaned against the lockers. "Me, Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you."

"You again?" Weiss crossed her arms in obvious discontent. Apparently they had met before, and Lyra watched in confusion. Lyra tugged on Pyrrha's arm, trying to signal for them to leave while they could, but Pyrrha didn't budge, only watching Jaune in curiosity.

"Nice to meet you, Jaune," Pyrrha greeted, waving.

"Yeah, yeah," Jaune pushed Pyrrha to the side. "So, been hearing rumors about teams! Was thinking you and me would make a good one! What do you say?"

"Actually, I think the teams are comprised of four students each, so-"

"You don't say," Jaune cut Pyrrha off, glancing over the two other girls on the side. "Well, hot stuff, maybe you two could play your cards right and maybe join up with the winning team," Jaune addressed the two of them confidently, making them both giggle.

"Sounds good to me," Lyra mused in thought, immediately trying to think of a team name. ""

"Jaune, is it?" Weiss pushed Jaune and Pyrrha apart indignantly. "Do you have any idea who you are talking to?"

"Not the slightest, snow angel."

"Pyrrha and Lyra Nikos," Weiss introduced the both of them, making the tall girls wave. "They graduated top of their class at Sanctum."

"Never heard of it."

"Pyrrha's won the Mistral region tournaments four years in a row, a new record!" Weiss exclaimed discontentedly as Jaune looked at her in confusion.
"Lyra's the famous ballerina? Do you live under a rock!? They're on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flake's box!"

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