Ozpin's Test

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"MONSTERS! Demons...Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names."

Lyra growled at the mention of those horrific beasts, and she gripped her pencil so hard she felt it crack in two within her grasp. She cursed, throwing her pencil onto her desk in frustration. She glanced over at her team; Tanya was eagerly enthralled in Professor Port's speech, her eyes wide and excited. Janelle was frantically taking down notes, while the Grimm girl was doodling something on her paper, not paying any attention whatsoever. Kill it, do it, avenge me... Lyra felt her hands twitch, aching to wrap themselves around the Grimm's neck...

No. Lyra had to remind herself that the Grimm-no, Nico was a girl. Again and again, Lyra struggled to see anyone besides a monster, even though she tried her hardest to think of her as a girl. She just couldn't comprehend how anyone who looked like a Grimm could be good...The voice howled in frustration at Lyra's resistance.

Kill it!!!

"But I merely refer to them as PREY! And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy," Professor Port said loudly and excitedly. The only person paying any sort of attention was, in fact, Tanya as Lyra began to tune Port's boring story out. "Now, as I was saying, Vale, as well as the three other kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces...which is where-"

"Hunters and huntresses come in!" Tanya burst with excitement, bouncing up and down in her seat. Luckily for her, Professor Port just chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"Right," Professor Port grinned enthusiastically, while everyone else sighed of boredom. "Us individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. But! It's not an easy job. A true huntsman must be honorable, dependable, strategic, well educated, and wise!"

So that's what a true huntress is, hm? Lyra frowned to herself. Would a true huntress know better than to trust anyone who looked like a Grimm? Or would they be forgiving and understanding?

"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss' hand shot up quickly, an irritated look on her face. Apparently, the supposed 'Ice Queen' was unsatisfied with her team because she wasn't elected team leader, and she also wasn't with Pyrrha or Lyra.

"I do, sir!"

"Well, then...let's find out," Professor Port said joyfully, eyeing a cage in the corner of the room. "Step forward, and face your opponent."

Team RBY cheered Weiss on, and the heiress huffed in frustration and irritation at everyone's antics. Weiss held her rapier with grace and determination. Professor Port grinned, holding his axe.

"Then let the fight begin!"

Port unleashed the Grimm with a swoop of his axe, and a monster with white tusks and menacing red eyes stumbled out of its cage. Lyra felt her eyes turn a scarlet red at the sight of the Grimm, and Tanya grabbed Lyra's arm to stop her from getting up and killing the monster herself. Don't let her hold you back, kill it! Lyra bit down hard on her lip, drawing blood with the amount of force she was using to stop herself from getting up. Weiss seemed to struggle a bit with taking down the monster, named a Boarbatusk.

However, the Grimm was eventually taken down with a swift strike to it's belly. Weiss panted heavily, eyeing Professor Port with surprise. Lyra's eyes faded back to gold and the voice dulled as the Grimm disintegrated into dust.

"It seems we are truly in the presence of a true huntress after all!"

The lesson continued on, but Lyra no longer cared to hear about Professor Port's old stories as a hunter. After what seemed like a year, the bell finally rang, dismissing everyone from the class. Lyra sighed in relief, packing up her belongings. Headmaster Ozpin suddenly appeared in the doorway, acknowledging the students who were leaving before heading over to LJNT's shared table.

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