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"Tanya, get down from there!"

The old man sighed, running a hand through his graying blue hair. He had been trying to get his eleven year old granddaughter Tanya Jenks to come down from the cliff that overlooked their house. She wasn't exactly cooperating, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Not until you agree to train me with the cool weapons, you old fart!" Tanya responded, giggling as she swung her legs absentmindedly. "Not our old dinky wooden pieces of crap!"

"How many times do I have to tell you not to-Hold on, what did you just call me?!" The man leaned onto his cane, an annoyed expression on his aged features. "And watch your mouth, young lady! I know I raised you better than that!"

"I called you an old fart," Tanya repeated, laughing at her own nickname, "You old fart!"

The old man sighed in aggravation and stress. Clearly, the argument between him and the mischievous little girl was going nowhere. Knowing her grandfather would exchange anything for her own safety, Tanya had managed to climb to the top of a cliff near her grandfather's cabin. She didn't quite know how she'd been able to scale the side, but something inside of her allowed her to feel more fit. It was for getting what she wanted from her dear old granddad.

"If you just agree to train me, I'll get down, Grandpa Alm!" Tanya yelled, haphazardly leaning her upper body over the cliff's edge. He held his arms out, scared that she would fall.

Alm groaned and sighed, knowing he had no other choice but to give in to her demands. Their relationship had never been one that followed the rules. He dramatically ran his hand down his face.

"Fine, but get down here before you hurt yourself."

"YES!" Tanya exclaimed in victory, quickly climbing down to her stressed out grandfather. "Can we start now?!"

"Well you won't let me do anything else, so I guess," Alm teased playfully, ruffling Tanya's hair. "Come on."

Tanya cheered, sprinting to her grandfather's weapon rack in the stables. Alm shook his head in amusement before he hobbled after the blue haired girl. She was never allowed in there, Alm only let her practice with wooden training weapons due to the high possibility of Tanya blowing up their entire plot of land if she got her hands on an explosive gun. Her eyes scanned through the displayed weapons. Swords, axes, lances, bows, daggers, all of which had their gun counterparts. Her eyes stopped on what looked like a long, ivory stick with blue highlights.

"What's that?" Tanya asked curiously, pointing to the strange weapon. Unlike the others, it didn't have any sort of blade. This fact piqued her interest immensely; how were you supposed to kill Grimm without any sort of proper blade?

"That... is a bo staff," Alm answered, taking the staff off its stand. He twisted the handle, causing it to morph into a multicolored heavy pulse rifle.

"Woah.... So cool..." Tanya said in awe, her innocent eyes widening in further excitement. "That's crazy!"

"You wanna test it out yourself?" Alm asked with a knowing smile. He turned the rifle back into a bo staff, holding it out to the girl. Tanya pumped her fist into the air in ecstasy.

"YES!" Tanya exclaimed, hurriedly grabbing the staff from her grandfather's hands. She grinned as she tried to spin the staff around. "Whoa!" She almost dropped it due to how much taller the object was than her.

"Huh. Looks like you already got the hang of it," Alm complimented, watching the girl try to handle the staff. She had a lot to learn since her posture was all off, but Alm figured he'd give into his granddaughters excitement and let her try something for real. "Why don't you try it on one of our targets?"

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