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"The armory?"

"Why would there be something coming from the armory?" Janelle questioned suspiciously, and Nico just shrugged.

"I thought Grimm weren't in this building," Lyra glanced at Ozpin, who shook his head from side to side. She could tell he wasn't lying only because the voice would have said something by now.

"No, they aren't," Ozpin looped his coffee cup onto a carabiner before he tightened his grip on his cane. "But Grimm have been attracted to the outskirts of this area for awhile now. They are attracted to negative emotions...so someone must be attracting them. Whoever they are...they aren't pleasant to be around, either. Be ready for anything."

"B-But we have not properly fought any enemies before!" Janelle was taken aback at the thought of fighting actual people. Being a huntress, in theory, only detailed hunting down Grimm! Ozpin just shook his head.

"Not true. I placed you all against team CFVY, didn't I?" Ozpin pointed out. Before anyone could remind them that they had indeed lost that battle, Ozpin continued. "You may have lost, but that was before you all bonded. That was just to get you all closer. This is the true test. I chose you all for a reason...prove me right."

"But Headmaster-"

"Janelle, you must not shoot yourself down before you all even get a chance," Ozpin interrupted her sternly. "Stop doubting. I know that the four of you can do it."

Janelle looked downward. She didn't know if they could...they were inexperienced children fighting against who knew what. Yet, Janelle had always respected authority, and here Headmaster Ozpin was, saying they could do it...Janelle took a deep breath before clutching her bow in her hands.

"My apologies," Janelle said determinedly. She wouldn't prove the Headmaster wrong. "We will not disappoint."


"Nico, where is the armory?" Lyra questioned, and Nico took a shaky breath before speaking.

"I-I-I o-only k-know h-how to get t-there w-with my s-semblances..."

"Well, when Ironwood and I found this place, we did find an armory," Ozpin shrugged. "I wasn't going to help, but...well, these are just directions. Follow me!"

Team LJNT followed Ozpin through the labyrinthine hallways. They all had determined looks on their faces as they prepared for Ozpin's real test. None of them wanted to fail or let the team down, so they pressed on.

No matter how much it hurt.

"Here it is, if I remember correctly," Ozpin said, gesturing to the door in front of them. Nico nodded.

"Y-Yes, I h-hear v-voices in t-there," Nico's voice trembled. She really didn't want to go in there, but she didn't have a choice. At the very least, her team was there... Lyra took her hand off of Nico's shoulder to grip her axe with both hands.

"Then let's do it."

Lyra kicked the door down to reveal a room with empty walls. There were a couple of stray weapons laying around or on the walls, but the crates in the middle were completely empty. There were three people dressed in jackets with a red symbol of a wolf with three slashes through it. It was the symbol of the White Fang. They had masks obscuring their faces, but upon seeing Team LJNT, they visibly panicked.

"What are you kids doing out here?" The White Fang member with brown hair demanded. As Ozpin stepped out from behind Team LJNT, they all gulped. "They've got the Headmaster..."

"Perry, drill a hole!" The blonde girl with an elaborate black mask demanded, her squeaky voice prominent. "Protect the hostage. We'll hold them off!"

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