Ozpin's Evaluation

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"Team LJNT, step forward for your team evaluation."

The team all headed toward Professor Ozpin's office. There were two team evaluations, one near the end of each semester. As Lyra glanced outside, she could see that it was beginning to snow. Vale had switched pretty quickly from summer to winter, barely leaving any time for fall. Leaves were still on the trees! Lyra shook her head in disappointment, turning away from the window as they stepped into the elevator.

As they made their way to the office, the Headmaster opened the doors for them. He smiled upon seeing them.

"Ah, Team LJNT," Ozpin ushered for them to sit in his office, and he sunk into his black chair. "So, let's begin. I'd like to start off by saying that you all have performed incredibly well as a team."

"Thank you," Lyra smirked, her golden eyes dulled and devoid of life emotion. The other three remained silent. It was still weird for them to see Lyra acting so normal; after her episode back when they operated as LNJR, no one particularly knew how to feel around Lyra. Ozpin nodded.

"I have high hopes," Ozpin took a sip of coffee from his cup. "I have a good feeling about you all."

A beat passed.

"You look like you want to say something, Miss Torres," Ozpin placed his cup onto the table before folding his hands on his desk. "Feel free."

"Thank you. Headmaster Ozpin, I do not mean to disrespect your choices by asking, but..." Janelle frowned. "Why? We are only first year students. We are a team that did not even function properly in the beginning, yet you continue to pay us special attention...Forgive me, I have probably stepped out of boundaries with these questions."

"Don't worry. It's alright to ask, I'm not offended," Ozpin just chuckled. "But Miss Torres, the answer to your question is nothing special. I simply think that this team right here has great potential. Most of you are doing well in class, and all of you are exceptional in the battlefield. Despite the initial hiccup, your teamwork is good as well. That is why I have put so much faith in all of you. For first year students, every single one of you has been performing stupendously."

"Really? Do you think my parents would be proud?" Tanya asked excitedly. Ozpin nodded, a smile on his face. Tanya pumped her fist into the air. "Yes! I cant wait for them to hear!"

"Your parents are currently deployed at Atlas," Ozpin said. "Would you like me to tell them personally?"

"Would you really!?" Tanya jumped up and down excitedly. "Maybe they'll understand it more if it comes from you! That's a great idea! Yay!"

"It is my pleasure," Ozpin acknowledged with a smile. "As a team, you all cover each other's shortcomings. Here are a couple of your weaknesses, though. It is imperative you are all aware of these. While your teamwork within your ranks is good, it tends to fall apart when an outsider joins. You all must stay aware of your surroundings at all times. Second, Lyra and Nico's lack of dust can hurt your chances of killing a Grimm, as seen with the Aslan's slight weakness to fire. If you both had dust, perhaps the fight could have been shorter. Just something to ponder. Finally, you all must come to not only help, but to protect each other better. You should not be overly reliant on them saving you, but you should be confident they will save you if needed."

"I promise I'll be there when you need me!" Lyra promised with a wink. "...I can't change Midas, though. That was...a gift. I don't think they would have wanted it changed..."

"Just give it some thought."

"Thank you for the criticism," Janelle fought the urge to bow respectfully. "I acknowledge my shortcomings. I will rise to the challenge."

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