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Lyra, Nico, and Tanya walked out of Professor Ozpin's class once the lesson was done with despondent looks on their faces. It was still raining outside, so while Lyra held an umbrella above her and Nico, Tanya chose to just walk in the puddles and get rained on.

"...I can't believe class is what I'm supposed to be concentrating on right now," Tanya sighed as she brushed the wet hair out of her face. The three of them were quite obviously still upset about the massacre they were witness to as well as Janelle's betrayal. "I mean, honestly...I can't even focus..."

"...It's stupid," Lyra's eyes flickered between flecks of red and blue as the team sat on a bench, defeated. The rain didn't even deter them. "Why should we even be worried about teamwork right now? That's the least of my worries, considering we had a shitty ass teammate...No matter what I try to think about though, all I can do is...is think about...about the massacre...about how it's...it's my fault..."

"...So I'm not the only one, then."

The young man that had fought alongside Team LJNT at the Mittlefranken Massacre walked over, a frown on his face. He carried a purple umbrella over his head.

"It's ridiculous that we still have to learn during a time like this. I guess it's easy for people who weren't there, but it's not fair for us," The purple haired boy said, an indignant expression on his face. "I mean, what can you do about it, but...damn. It sucks."

"No shit," Lyra muttered as the rain poured harder on them. "...They came to see me, and in return, they died...I couldn't even get revenge for them..."

"Yeah," He let out a heavy breath, his breath visible in the cool air. "...I'm just trying to get my mind off of it. You guys look like you could do the same."


"...Well, I'm Murasaki, " He said, offering them a slight smile. They all knew it was unauthentic, considering none of them were exactly in the mood to smile, but they appreciated the effort.
"Most people call me Mura, though. How about all of you?"

"I'm Lyra, but I assume you already knew that," She smiled back, but like usual, the smile didn't reach her eyes. Lyra was able to revert to a mask of normalcy so easily...it still caught Nico and Tanya off guard every time. By some miracle, the rain began to slow down.

"Tanya. It's...nice to meet you."

"N-Nico," She subconsciously pulled the hood further over her head. She knew Mura had already seen it, but she couldn't help but want to hide her ears anyway. Mura frowned.

"I don't care about your ears. I know about your Grimm features, I don't care..."

"...Y-Y-You don't have t-to say that," Nico mumbled. "I-It's okay. I-I know i-it bothers people..."

"No, I just genuinely don't care," Mura shrugged. "I kinda thought it was cool."

"I-I-It's not..."

"...Are you a first year too?" Lyra asked. Mura nodded.

"Yeah. I'm surprised I haven't seen you guys around too much."

"Yeah, well, it's a big school," Lyra laughed, a hollow sound in her voice. "So, Mura. Where you from?"

"A really small town in Vacuo."

"Vacuo? And you traveled all the way over here?"

"Yeah. I live in a small town over there," Mura explained. "I doubt you've heard of it, but it's a frequent place that Pandora protects from thieves and Grimm. Without her, we would have been killed long ago."

"Ah, Pandora..." Lyra placed her hands on her hips at the mention of the so-called God of Vacuo. "So, is she a sort of hero to you?"

"I mean...Yeah. I'd be dead without her," Mura shrugged. "Anyway. I didn't want to go to Shade Academy, it's kinda...nasty around there. So I came here!"

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