XXII- The Rival

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Leonel: Wow, I can't believe it. Why didn't you tell us sooner.
Vanessa: I don't know. We didn't expect anyone to understand.
Cherrie: What? This is huge news. I'm so happy for you guys. What you have is rare.
Dante: I still don't understand how Ash got that from the conversation though.
Payton: I know, right? I felt we kept it hidden really well.
Ash: I don't know, guess it was a hunch.
Vanessa: But we're sorry for trying to deny at first. You can't blame us for being a bit hostile about it.
Cherrie: Of course not honey, we are in full support. It's just so romantic.
Payton: Its so relieving that you're happy for me Cher-Bear.
Cherrie: Why not. If you're happy, so am I.
Dante: Its just so funny that they both used to have a huuuge crush on Ash. I guess he does have a girlish vibe.

Then everyone laughs a bit

Cherrie: They're bi not lesbians, dummy.

Then we laugh a bit and talk. To be honest, it was shocking but it was kind of understandable. After a few, the general instructor came in and announced the final competition. It was an advanced IQ test. Upon hearing that, I looked at Cherrie as she looked back at me. I knew we would be able to win, but as I made clearly, I didn't want to use my gift since I took the name Ash West. We all got to our team locations as our devices were taken off us so the access to the internet wouldn't be possible. We were given a paper per person but there was no place for your name to be written so that it wouldn't affect anyone. No one really cared about it when hearing it until we were told that it was 70 percent of our overall grade. The game was that all the papers of each team would be graded and the highest points would be the represented score for the team. Also we were told that the winning team would acquire more purchase points, twice more than the second, to buttress the point. Everyone panicked after hearing that. The technical cash prize was worth struggling for. Everyone was cracking their brains trying to answer the questions. But I didn't care. I didn't want anything to do with my intellect, especially in this life, so I left. I went to my room and after a few minutes, Cherrie came by.

Cherrie: Hey, what's wrong?
Ash: Nothing, why?
Cherrie: You tell me. We had the best chance to get free points and our SECRET secret weapon just bailed.
Ash: I don't want to be involved, sorry.
Cherrie: Why are you so bummed about your gift? I mean if I had it.......
Ash: You wouldn't be here, I know. I've heard it all you know. People cheering. "The smartest boy in the world" they claimed. But it's not all roses and sunshine. There's still darkness in the complete package. I wasn't able to stop my aunt or parents from dying. And even worse, I started living a hidden life after all the awards. People never faced my point of view and always just assumed my life was great. Well it's not. I mean I'm technically still living a secretive life for God's sake.
Cherrie: Wow. You really hate your life, don't you?
Ash: I don't know. I just wish I had a normal one.
Cherrie: Look honey, your main problem is that you cling unto the bad sides in your life more than the good. Yeah, you're hiding from the government, but did you think of all the amazing people you got to meet? The wonderful family that kept you happy and healthy? I know you hate it, but think of all the people you inspired.
Ash: Oh please, inspired?
Cherrie: Yeah. I mean you inspired me.
Ash: What?
Cherrie: The smartest boy. I always took you as a rival and challenged myself into getting good at subjects I was bad at. Not just me, but parents always referenced you to their kids to encourage them as well. You were an icon. Still are. So what if no one knew your pain? They don't need to. It's just you that matters. I'm not saying you shouldn't hide it, but at least be proud of it.
Ash: Wow, I didn't know you thought about all of this.
Cherrie: Well I do. And I mean all of it.
Ash: Thanks, I needed that.
Cherrie: You're welcome. How about this. If you win this for us, then I'll go out with you.
Ash: What, really?
Cherrie: Yeah. Besides, I've been looking for an excuse to anyways.

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