VII- The School

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School, it brings back memories of the old days. And now, I am forced to go to L'Oreal academy, a school that was just regular until Lucas Sanchez, some big deal rich dude, bought it and raised the fees by like 500%. Now people look at it as a school for rich teens that can afford the price of like 5 business men's salary for half a year. If I was going to a school, it might as well be normal. But I knew that this school lacked the definition of normal.
So I arrived to my new room, Room 423. My room was at the third highest floor. That was going to be a problem. But luckily, my parents were able to pull some strings and put me with two people of my choice. Originally, it was to be Dante and Leo, but even their parents advices me not to. So I thought the twins, and the same answer was given. So I decided to pick Dante and Adrian. But we were meant to be four in a room so the last guy had to be random. I came in with Dante to school but Adrian had already arrived so we left for the room. That was when I looked up to my room. I was happy I wasn't on the sixth floor, yes the sixth floor, but it still wasn't a big difference. On the way going, Dante wanted to fetch something so I went ahead to drop my stuff first. I looked at the stairs I was supposed to carry my box across. I tried and struggled and I was finally there. Then I had a giggle thinking of how Dante was going to carry his through the stairs. But get this, when I got to the room, he was already there with Adrian. I couldn't believe it and I asked him how when it hit me. "The elevator, duh" that was the answer I got. To be honest, I couldn't believe I didn't think of it. I mean it is a fancy school for Gods sake. Maybe this whole rich life was getting to my brain. As I entered, I looked at two free beds. The other guy wasn't here yet. And the two last beds were the one closest and the one farthest to the door and like any other wise guy, I picked the farthest. So I wanted to pack my stuff to my wardrobe but Adrian said they had some professional guys paid to do that. Immediately after that statement, I had a phone call from Evie.

Evie: Umm, hey Ash.
Ash: Oh hey E. What's up?
Evie: Yeah, so mom said that I should umm, ask you for something of mine in your stuff.
Ash: Oh, what is it?
Evie: You know what, I'll just come get it.
Ash: Don't worry I'll just bring it to you. Just tell me what it is.
Evie: Just don't bother yourself, dummy.
Ash: What. I hope you're feeling all right? Or you want another kiss?
Evie: ASH!!! why would you say that.
Ash: (giggling hard) C'mon, I'm kidding. And besides no one heard me........ right?
Evie: Yes, luckily. Look I'll just come over to pick it.
Ash: Guess I've got no choice.
Evie: So what room are you in again?
Ash: Oh it's 423.
Evie: All the way up the fourth floor?
Ash: Yup. What about you?
Evie: Room 222.
Ash: Hmm, lucky. I'm so jealous. Plus its not so high.
Evie: Whatever. I'll be there soon.

So I talk with Aiden and Adrian for some time and eventually, she comes in and carries whatever she wanted to. I still didn't understand at the moment, but soon I knew it was some girlish stuff so I didn't even bother. Later on, when the dudes came in to arrange our stuff, Dante, Adrian and I left off for lunch. During lunch, we came across Leo and Aiden with which we sat with and then after lunch, we were meant to have a guy go drop off our plates and unfortunately, I was picked by everyone. We could've just played rock-paper-scissors but nooo, everyone wanted me. So when I got to the place, I bumped into someone unexpected yet expected.

Vanessa: Ash?
Ash: No, not Ash.
Vanessa: uhmm, what are you doing here?
Ash: You're seriously asking that?
Vanessa: Sorry, it's just that...... do you still hate me? Because I'm really sorry for what I did.
Ash: Don't worry about it. It's a mistake we both made.
Vanessa: No it's not. I shouldn't have over-reacted back then. It's just that my feelings got the best of me that's why.
Ash: It's cool just forget it all happened.
Vanessa: But I can't. I was so caught up in being sad you weren't my boyfriend, I didn't even think of just being friends.
Ash: What are you implying?
Vanessa: Please, even if we don't go out, at least let's be friends.
Ash: Wow, dejavu. Look it can't work out because it would just be weird. That's what someone I know said to me.
Vanessa: Ash, please.
Ash: Sorry Vanny, but it's too late.

Then I leave her and meet the dudes.

Leonel: Dude hurtful.
Dante: C'mon, you have to forgive her eventually.
Ash: What, you heard that?
Dante: That's why we even sent you out there in the first place. We outsmarted you, bro.
Ash: Sure you did.

So eventually we got back to the hotel looking dorm and I was kinda exhausted so I took a bath and slept off.
When I woke up, I was hearing noises. I looked up to see who was making the ruckus and it was just my roommates and a new dude.

Adrian: Oh dude you're awake. Look who's here.
Ash: (Looking) Apparently people making a lot of noise.
Adrian: No dude. It's famous athlete, Jason Wildes son, Trent Wilde.
Ash: (sitting up a bit) Oh yeah. What brings you here?
Trent: Well I got assigned to this as my new room.
Ash: Wow cool, so you're out last roommate?
Trent: Yup. You're Ash West right?
Ash: Yup. Lemme guess, from TSM right?
Trent: Apparently. Wow, it's cool to be in the same room with you guys.
Dante: Same goes from everyone.

STOP! Now lemme reveal what actually happened. I tweaked the schools server to actually give me the best room based on comfort and accommodation and it said that this room had good maids and a noise cancelling background. It was the right thing to do giving up the floor. Another thing was that I was the one to pick Trent Wilde as our roommate. Why, well it's just like in the comics, the Smart one(that's me), the charismatic one that talks us into trouble(Dante), the one meant to talk us Out of trouble (Adrian) and the final perk, the jock, and that's why I picked him. Kinda smart right. Well not my best work but pretty good😎.
So after,we talked about some stuff till it was time for dinner. Apparently, the orientation assembly wasn't until Monday and it was a Friday so we had enough time till then. After dinner, and this time I made them pick Dante to drop-off to know how it felt, Dante asked if we could check out the whole school and well, Adrian implied it a bad idea but what the hell, right. So we went round and it was actually pretty awesome. Hard to believe it was a school. So we were about to head back when I heard a loud and really familiar voice. "SUMMERS?" I heard as I turned back. I knew that this was someone from the orphanage and that it was a girl. Immediately I realized who it was, my face changed and I could've sworn I caught a fever. "Oh shit, it's her". "Who?" asked Trent. "Avory Scottman!".

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