XIX- The Trip

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The day had finally come. The day of the trip. And surprisingly, I was super hyped up for it. Why? Well it was a perfect chance to bond with people like the Mystery girl. Yup, she was coming for the trip, obviously. Now in case I didn't make it clear at the old chapters, at this point I didn't know that her name was Cherrie hence the term mystery girl. And how it affected me was when I wanted to change my seat mate in the plane. I realized that I didn't know her name so I decided to assume what her name was. There were some names that I'd never seen so I decided to pick one. The name I picked was Pandora D'Angelo unfortunately. But It wasn't that bad though. I got to talk to Pandora, who's a really interesting girl, which was weird cuz she was really popular and I knew her, just not her name. But I really wanted to bond with Cherrie. Anyways, we finally got to Italy and the place looked really nice. When I got off the plane, I waited to see Evie so I would talk to her and I did.

Ash: Hey Evie.
Evie: Hey.
Ash: So how's a going?
Evie: What do you want?
Ash: Evie what's going on.
Evie: Nothing.
Ash: Exactly. Why? I remember when you'd call me a numbskull for playing with your makeup or something and still compliment me even after the first kiss. So where did all this tension come from.
Evie: There's no tension, Ash.
Ash: Evie, don't lie to me.
Evie: I'm not lying. There really is no tension.
Ash: So you're cool with not talking to me anymore?
Evie: Isn't it my choice?
Ash: Wow. Is that how little I mean nothing to you? No problem, it's my fault then.

I was so pissed hearing what she said and I was about to leave when she held my hand.

Evie: I'm sorry, okay? I'm still sorting myself out. And you know you mean everything to me so please, don't say that.
Ash: Sorry, but I really need to know why you wouldn't talk to me.
Evie: Well it was after the........ you know.
Ash: Oh. It wasn't good? I'm sorry.
Evie: No no, that's not it, it was amazing. It was you and Mckenzie.
Ash: What about Kenzie and I?
Evie: Well, when you guys were dating, I felt your bond with her was stronger than mine. I was actually really jealous of the way you just understood each other.
Ash: It's not like that E. I just thought if I was stuck with her, I might as well make it interesting. I really am sorry though.
Evie: Don't worry about it, it's really not your fault. I just overreacted.

Then we hugged and that was it. Skipping over to later, we had arrived at the hotel. It was amazing, but honestly not as impressive as our dorms. When we got there, we had some random people picked and after that they asked them to each pick a person of the same gender to be their roommate. So I wasn't among them but I was picked by Leonel. When we got to the rooms I immediately dropped on my bed to take a nap. I didn't even last five minutes when we were called to the hotel hall. Luckily it was just to give us the schedule for all the activities for the trip. When I got mine, I didn't even waste time to read it and I slept off.
When I woke up, I saw Leonel panicking and wondered why.

Ash: Woahh, what's up?
Leonel: Dude we're late.
Ash: Late for what?
Leonel: Didn't you read the slip?
Ash: What do you mean? Of course I didn't.
Leonel: We're leaving the hotel.
Ash: Wait, what? Already?
Leonel: Yes, we're going to the resort.
Ash: (reading schedule) Oh man, you're right.
Leonel: Ya think.

I immediately started packing. Luckily, I didn't unpack a lot so I was able to finish with Leo and we were able to catch the bus to the resort. When we got there, as always, it was magnificent. It was beside a beach that looked beautiful and the area was nice. We were given 45 minutes to get a change of clothes and meet up at the reception which we did. I wore a white hoodie and some jeans and departed with Aiden, who was my new roommate in the resort.

Instructor: Good morning gang. Welcome to the resort. Here, you guys'll have all sorts of fun activities both here at the resort and outside it during outdoor activities like hiking, buggy racing and so on. Also, you guys will have leisure activities that require focus like chess and just plain fun activities like truth or dare. With that being said, I hope you all enjoy your stay in our beautiful and humble resort. Any questions?
Leonel: Yeah. Can boys go to the girls rooms?
Instructor: Sure, I don't see why not. Just don't go overboard.
Adrian: Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't.
Leonel: Calm down A, we're roommates, not married.

Then everyone laughs.

Instructor: Okay. Any more questions?
Ash: Yeah, you said truth or dare, right?
Instructor: I sure did.
Ash: Does it have to be formal or not. Also does everyone play?
Instructor: Well it's anyhow you want it, you can go nuts, but as well, don't go.........
Dante: Overboard, we got that.
Instructor: Good. But as for the everyone playing question, you all would be grouped up after this meeting and will stay in those groups until the trip is over.
Ash: Oh, ok.
Instructor: Any other questions? Okay, then have fun guys and I wish you the best of luck. Oh and also, i was told this was going to affect your grade so the more fun you have, the better the grade.
Ash: Wait, what.
Instructor: Bye everyone.

I wasn't told that it was going to affect our grades because I only planned to come so I could interact with mystery girl. But now that it was academic, I apparently had to focus on having fun. Which is weird considering I wanted average grades. Anyways, while the instructor was talking, some guy went around giving each and everyone a ball and when that was done he announced.

Instructor 2: Okay so I have distributed to you all a ball.
Dante: (whispering) No shit.

Then everyone laughs a little bit.

Instructor 2: In each ball you will see a letter of the alphabet distinguishing you from others. That will be your group until you leave the resort. Any questions?
Ash: So you're saying we get random groups?
Instructor 2: That's right.
Ash: But wouldn't that mess up the chemistry of each team.
Instructor 2: What do you mean?
Ash: Well each teams synergy gets better when you know the people in your group. Wouldn't you get better results if everyone made their own groups.
Instructor 2: Well that's a really good opinion. But you see our goal isn't for a better result, but to create chemistry, as you say, between people who randomly get in the same team making people closer together and know each other.
Ash: That actually makes a lot of sense, I guess.

So I opened the ball and saw the letter H. When everyone else checked theirs, the instructor said we should stand in the designated areas for each group with which had signs telling you where to stand so I stood at my side. Luckily for me, Leonel was in my groups, talk about the odds. But that wasn't the most shocking part. When we were done and were guided to our groups "CHECKPOINT" as they called it, I saw a familiar face that I could not have thought in a million years that luck would bring to my group. Yup, you guessed it, it was mystery girl. I saw her and she looked at me. I smiled and winked a little and she just rolled her eyes. It was offensive, but it was also so hot. I then turned to leo and whispered

Ash: Dude she's here.
Leonel: Of course she is. Sabrina Scarlet, the girl with the biggest racks in the entire grade. How lucky are we?
Ash: No not........ wait really, the biggest.
Leonel: Did the math myself. Well in my mind but it still is.
Ash: Wow that's......... no not that, I'm talking about mystery girl.
Leonel: Oh, that's good too, I guess. By the way who is she?

But as I wanted to point at her our group supervisor came in. Because of that, we even forgot about what we were talking about after the guy was done talking. But it was for a good cause because if I'd shown her to him, he would've told me who she was and I would've refrained myself from her at all costs.

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