XI-The Shock

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Ash: Ok. So I don't want to waste all your time so I'll be frank. I like you both but there's only one person I know I can go more smooth with. Someone I first fell in love with when I met her. Someone.....
Snow: That's not as frank as you say.
Ash: Sorry. The one I like is.......... Vanessa.
Snow: What!!!
Vanessa: Really?
Ash: Look Snow, the truth is that I get how you feel, but it's not the love, it's the friendship that you liked in me.
Snow: Wait, so you're not accepting the fact I love you? Wow, are you serious?
Ash: Snow, I really like you, but I think we'd be better off as friends than lovers.
Snow: Wow. Maybe I was wrong about you.
Vanessa: Wait, are you for real Ash?
Ash: What do you mean?
Vanessa: Look, I love you honestly, but I actually didn't love you as much as Snow did. In fact, I was prepared to give up to Snow cuz I thought you'd pick her. You had much more fun with her and that was why I was jealous. Not just any girl could make me jealous. Snow loved you better, and I can't accept this offer if it means to be picked over her.
Ash: What! But I picked you because you're closer to me than Snow is.
Snow: Is that what you think?
Ash: No I mean distance.
Snow: You know what, Fine. Have fun with you're new girlfriend.
Vanessa: Sorry Ash, but I can't accept this proposal. I'm gonna have to say no.
Ash: Why? Well that means you Snow.
Snow: I don't think you're in your right senses. If you think I'll fall second to you then you're right about me being wrong. I'm done. And not just this fake love, but our friendship. Never speak to me again, Ash West.

Then she storms out and Vanessa looked at me.

Vanessa: Look, I love you, but you blew it.

Then she too walks off. And then I sit to think for a while and Dante comes and sits beside me.

Dante: So, you did it?
Ash: Yeah, and it worked. To be honest, it wasn't a good idea to play with them the way I did. And I don't think I'm ready for this love pressure. So I think it's best I'm a lone wolf and free man.
Dante: Well, it's good you're over it so we can finally have the Ash we know and hate back.
Ash: Yup. I guess.

Then we head back to our room. Honestly, it was pretty tough for me to live right next to the girl that practically rejected me, but through practice I learned to live normal and like myself again. Soon after the drama, everyone knew the story and people really got struck that I was rejected by two girls at the same time but I didn't really care. So I still went to class and did normal stuff. Until languages class when something weird started happening.

Angela: Hey Ash. Heard you're single now.
Ash: And I'm not gonna be in a relationship for sometime.
Angela: Well I'll wait.
Ash: Thanks Angie.
Angela: For what?
Ash: For cheering me up. You're like the only girl that flirting with me is fun to me too.
Angela: What about Bianca?
Ash: C'mon, isn't it creepy to you too?
Angela: It's good you said it. Well, wanna hang out sometime?
Ash: Sure, it won't hurt, I hope.
Angela: Yeah. Just hope it'll be okay to everyone.
Ash: And honestly, I don't wanna hear stuff about me on TSM again. I don't even know how they get their stories from us.
Angela: Well the school is paid to allow some TSM workers to get info.
Ash: Urgh, creepy.
Angela: Right. It's good that were actually getting along.
Ash: Yeah. What's left is the dying for me part to go.
Angela: Never gonna happen virgin lips.
Ash: You do know I've kissed Vanessa right?
Angela: Not to me you haven't.

And that was when Dante came and insisted we'd be partners for the language group quiz. But I didn't really want to because I didn't want to show I knew French. But just like always, I gave up to intellect sometimes and answered some questions. But it didn't look like Dante was on my side. It was like he was trying to challenge me. He kept asking me to translate words to French. And then he brought other languages. I answered but hoped I didn't, because he looked worried about something. Though we still passed, I managed to get us to second place(trust me I tried). After that, it was math class. I decided to not talk in class and it was going great. What I didn't like was the stare that Mr Asuno gave, or always gives, me in class like I'm a god or something, such a strange dude. I wonder how he lives😞. After that, it was time for breakfast. We had scrambled eggs and bacon with warm pancakes, which was weird because that was what we had only on Saturdays, but I guessed it was because of excess food. But I couldn't eat in peace. In fact, before we even got to the cafeteria. It was Dante. He kept on bugging me about learning Spanish which was weird cuz he's never eager to learn. He asked that in case of defensive reasons he would know so I thought it was because of the language class we had. But as I thought, he asked me to teach him flirting phrases. I did, but I knew he wouldn't understand so he gave up and left. Immediately, I knew he was trying to impress a girl. And which other girl would know Spanish except Payton. It made me think why he would go for her because he was dating some girl in senior high called Brianna. Plus, Payton was already dating Adrian so I didn't get why he would betray his own friend and roommate. But it was crystal clear and written on his face that he was out to get Payton. Anyways, after that, I went to see Evie before the next class and we had a little chat. She was on the phone and mentioned that mom wanted to talk to me and so I talked to mom first.

Ash: Hi mom.
Mom: Hi sweetie. How's the school for you?
Ash: It's awesome actually. The facilities are great and the people and teachers are nice.
Mom: Well it's good to hear you love it. I heard what happened to you and Snow. I'm sorry.
Ash: Don't be. It was the best option for her. Honestly, I blame myself for making her sad.
Mom: That's my little snowflake, taking responsibility is the first step.
Ash: Thanks mom. So how's dad?
Mom: He's good. He's currently in Japan for some convention, but he'll be back in a week.
Ash: Wait, what convention?
Mom: I dunno. He said something about a gaming fair.
Ash: Wow, that's MAGIC.
Mom: Uhm, how's that magic?
Ash: . MAGIC, You know, the Main Annual Gaming International Convention?
Mom: Ok, sweetie.
Ash: Anyways, tell him to bring me back some merchandise.
Mom: Will do. Say hi to Bianca for me.
Ash: And say hi to Lexi for me. Bye.
Mom: Bye honey.

So after that, I talked a little with Evie and realized I was late for my class. So I had to run for it. After classes, we had lunch and then sports. I'm not really a sports guy so I went straight to the hotel to rest😪.


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