III- The Errand

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A week had passed since my adoption (Or should I say abduction) and things had been going great. The sun had smiled at me that day, a smile was coming in. I was certain it was going to be a good day. I woke up and stormed down to have breakfast( definitely after brushing my teeth and dark-greyish hair)soon after doing our regular prayers, we had lasagna which I wouldn't really say was breakfast material but it was nice so what the hell.

After that, my dad said he wanted to get his coat from a dry cleaner  across town and also had to go somewhere else so he said "I think its time to appoint a job to my very own new son....." Now firstly, in this house its a big deal for dad to assign a job to you, so I thought he had finished and was already saying "Suck it losers" but he had to finish his sentence by saying 'and his twin sister Evie'. At that point the smiling cloud had started crying and I was feeling raindrops, maybe even literally cuz I could have sworn I heard a thunder clap.

Almost soon enough we were in a limo to 'Le suite la chic' apparently what they called themselves and trust me the sad part was when we were forced to sit next to each other in the limo. Worse than that, the driver, Ryan, tried to make us conversate with each other. Eventually we got there and we both at the same time said "Finally!" and left the car. And it was actually inside a mall so we had to go in.

Ash: Dad said we have to stick together so you cant be wondering off and..... shes not even listening. (watching as she storms into the mall)
Ash: Ryan, how do you deal with that fox?
Driver: I just breathe in and put on my earphones when shes nagging, sir.
Ash: Wow thats what i do. Talk about twining. I mean she gets crrayyyzeee when she nags.
Ryan: Sure, sir.
Ash: Please enough with that sir thing. It makes me feel old ya know.

So I got in and got the coat from the le suite la whatever and I dropped it in the limo, but Evie wasn't back so I had to go look for her.

But guess what, this bitch invited friends to have a good time at the mall. When I saw her she was with the teenage idol himself, Dante Darienette, the son to Stephen Darienette and Sophia Darienette, the other pair of Darienettes(that's one too many Darienettes). I hated her, but I wanted to go say hi to him and I did.

Ash: Hey Evie we gotta go. Wait, you're Dante right?
Dante: Yup. Wait, you're her new adopted brother. umm Ash right?
Ash: So youve heard of me?
Dante: Of course. You're on the cover of TSM.
Ash: TSM?
Dante: Teen Sensation Magazine? Everyone knows that.
Evie: Except dorko here.
Dante: Cmon thats not really nice.
Evie: So? And I warned you not to go close to me.
Ash: Yeesh, someones in a bad mood?
Dante: Yeah cheer up E.
Evie: Please don't support him.
Ash: Hey, you shorten names too?
Dante: You do it too? Hmm i feel we're gonna get along.
Ash: yup. So who are you here with, your parents?
Dante: Nah, I'm here with my stupid cousin Leo.
Evie: (smiling) and Vanessa.
Dante: Why did you just smile?
Ash: Oh no. Evie we gotta go.
Evie: Nope, i gotta have some fun first.
Ash: Oh my God Evie, quit screwing around.

Then I saw Leo and Vanessa coming towards us.

Ash: EVIE!!
Evie: And the fun begins.

Then they reach us and Vanessa looks another way as Leo tries to introduce himself.

Leonel: Hey Dante. I see youve got guests. Sup Evie.
Evie: Hey Leo.
Leonel: You must be Ash West, the face of TSM. Nice to meet you in person.
Ash: Yeah, you too.
Leonel: Cmon join us lets have a little fun.
Ash: Actually weve got a limo waiting for us outside. Cmon Evie.
Evie: And miss the fun, sure. Hey Vanessa.
Vanessa: Hey Evie.(with a sore tone)

For some seconds we were all quiet until.........

Leonel: so Vanny, youve met Ash before right?
Vanessa: Shut up Leo. You know that.
Leonel: Yeah cuz you keep mentioning him at home.
Vanessa: Seriously Leo, Shut up.
Leonel: And dad was all like 'you need to stop talking about that kid if it's gonna make you sad'(with a perfect impression of his dad)
Vanessa: Im not joking.
Leonel: Oh and that time he made you cry.
Vanessa: (shouting) I said 'SHUT UP!!!'
Dante: Wow real mature Leo.
Leonel: What, I was just having some fun. I didn't know it was that serious.
Dante: what even happened between you two anyways?
Vanessa: Nothing, Seriously.
Leonel: C'mon Vanny. Then why are you mad at him?
Vanessa: Long story short, he's just one of the worst mistakes I've ever made.

And that really ticked me off. I was so mad and shocked. I didn't know what to feel but anger.

Ash: Says the girl that still has the necklace I got for her on.(which she suprisingly did).
Vanessa: This thing, please take it(giving it to me)
Leonel: Vanessa C'mon. Dont be rude.
Vanessa: Well I'm not the one that needs it.
Ash: Well I'm not the one that fell in love and tried to kiss at first sight.
Evie: Geez dude calm down. It's not a big deal.
Ash: Maybe for you. You know what, I'm leaving. You'll come back in a cab or something. (then I storm off)
Evie: Hey Ash, dont make me do that?

Then I leave and go to a bench in the mall to sit down. Eventually, Dante and, wait for it, 'EVIE' came to calm me down.

Dante: Hey dude.
Ash: Hey. Where are they?
Evie: I called the fun time off.
Dante: Yeah, and I sent Vanny and Leo home.
Ash: Seriously? Just for me?
Dante: Yeah. I mean you are a pretty interesting guy.
Evie: Plus, I dont really like you.
Ash: What are you implying?
Evie: Im not finished. But you are my twin-ish brother so I guess I gotta look out for you.
Ash: That's not something you say everyday. And is kinda the only compliment youve said to me since I came.
Evie: Dont get the wrong idea drull face.
Ash: Of course, pea brain. (then we smile at each other)
Dante: Ok, what a weird family you guys are. But you're all cheered up so lets go do something before the day ends. While were at it you can tell me how it all started.

So we did and i told him everything. Soon enough his limo came to pick him up and he was gone. Later on it was Evie and I. Suprisingly we had a bit of fun before we had to head home before sunset. But when we got home the old Bitchy Evie(it even rhymes😅) was back, but we could talk to each other or at least tease each other.

Evie: Why did you guys start dinner without me.
Dad: What. But Ash said you ain't eating cuz you thought you could lose some weight.
Evie: And you believed him?
Mom: Well you do seem a little....
Ash: (smiling) FAT?
Evie: Seriously, I hate you.

Then everyone laughs as she chases me around the table.

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