XVIII- The Fix-up

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Waking up late was never my strong point, but this time it was different. I woke up by 1:32 pm in the afternoon, thank God it was a Saturday. I still had bags on my eyes as I yawned so hard. I stood up and took a brisk shower and when I was done, I made coffee with the coffee maker. I sat down and thought how this all happened. "I guess I wasn't even sure after all." I said to myself. Breaking it down a notch, the day before was Payton's birthday and it was her sweet sixteen so it was a big deal, especially the fact it was a quincinera. And the party was so spectacular, duh. I had so much fun and apparently, I drank more than I'd expected. All I remembered was arriving late and sitting with Payton. After a long time, she'd even forgotten about the drama and that she ever loved me, lucky right? So when I was with her, cuz I was her "Best Man" as she teased, she wanted to make it more interesting so she challenged me to a drink off. Now, I'm not the right person to get drunk, but I'd promised her a good party so I gave up and accepted. And then I woke up, funny isn't it? Anyways, when I woke up, my roommates were out. So I took a shirt off my drawer and a pair of jeans and left off to see where they were. When I got there, which was the school hall, everyone was moving around and chatting and stuff. It seemed necessary but I wasn't woken up so it was either my roommates didn't want to bug me or they just forgot about me. Thanks a lot guys. So after finding out what it was for, I was kinda bummed out that my roommates didn't wake me up.

Ash: Yo A, seen your brother?
Aiden: No, why?
Ash: Nothing, I just wanna kill em.
Aiden: Oh. Wait what? Why?
Ash: Well he and the others didn't wake me up for this.
Aiden: Oh. And you wanted to come for this?
Ash: Definitely. That's why I'm complaining. Because I know what THIS is about.
Aiden: Wow, that is really unfair what they did.
Ash: Yup.......... But just to be sure that you know what I'm talking about, go to where exactly?
Aiden: For the trip.
Ash: Yes the trip, exactly.
Aiden: You don't know what it is, do you?
Ash: Not a single clue.
Aiden: Well, at the end of every session of L'oreal, the grade before senior high goes for a trip to anywhere they choose. Of course it's voluntary and only the coolest guys go, but since it's more or less a cool school, everyone goes.
Ash: Wow. Maybe they thought I wasn't cool enough.
Aiden: That's exactly what I thought.
Ash: Jeez. You don't need to agree.

Then I see Trent pass and I call him.

Trent: What up, ma dudes.
Ash: Why didn't you wake me up for this? You thought I wasn't going.
Trent: What! Bro we woke you up like five times today. But after considering, we decided to leave you cuz you were so hungover.
Ash: Oh, that might've been Payton's and my bad.
Trent: Oh I know, birthday king.

Anyways, after the conversation, I decided to vote myself. I wasn't really sure where to go to because I never was a fan of traveling. So I just voted for LA. And soon after that I sat back down for the results and apparently, but not suprisingly, Rome won the poll. The trip wasn't due till the next two days so I had time to prepare. After that, I met with Payton and talked a little bit

Ash: Hey Payton.
Payton: Hi Ashie, how's a goin?
Ash: I'm alright. You?
Payton: Smiling as always. So where'd you vote for?
Ash: Uhm, Paris, you know, the city of love.
Payton: Awww, that's so cute.
Ash: Yeah. So what about you.
Payton: Rome.
Ash: Wow, so that's why it's the winner(smiling).
Payton: (blushing a bit) I see your flirtatious side hasn't changed.
Ash: As I tell everyone, a blessing and a curse. Anyways, do you, by any chance, know how this is gonna go down?
Payton: Well since it's Rome, we fly there. We should already have hotels and stuff booked by now so when we get there, we'll just unpack. And it lasts for two weeks.
Ash: Wow. So any activities?
Payton: Yup. Everyday we have a new activity. But don't worry, they're fun.
Ash: Well, if you say so.
Payton: Enough with that, how's Evie?
Ash: Except the fact we don't see eye to eye anymore, okay I guess.
Payton: Jeez, so the drama's still there apparently, huh?
Ash: I don't know what I did to her.
Payton: Well you "DID" her, thats for starters.
Ash: I mean to deserve this. Im sure you've always wanted to say that.
Payton: Oh, for days.

After the conversation, I headed back to my room. Immediately after, I went to Evie's room to solve all the weird aura we apparently had.

Ash: Hey Skyla, is Evie in?
Skyla: Nope.
Ash: Oh, ok. What about Angela?
Skyla: Yup. Angie, look who's here to see you.

Then Angela comes out and sees me. But she tried to go back in when I held her.

Ash: Please, just listen.
Angela: Nope, I'm not falling for your sweet talk. I'm not gonna forgive you.
Ash: It's not sweet talking, I just wanna explain.
Angela: Oh I know, then it turns to sweet talk. You can't fool me.
Ash: Angela, I miss you. You might not think I'm serious, but I really am. I'm really happy I got to know you as a friend instead of just a classmate or my sisters roommate. And I truly am sorry.
Angela: There it is. There's the sweet talk.
Ash: Fine, if you think I'm just being sketchy, it's okay. But if you tell me that you haven't thought about me even once within these past few days, I'll take your words and leave you alone.
Angela: Ash West, you're like a candle in the dark. I need you, but the more I hold on, I get hurt. So instead of using a candle, I use a flashlight. Right now, what I need is a flashlight. So I'll be honest, I have thought about you. But as how I'm going to miss your burn.
Ash: Wow, that was deep(and kinda cringe). But I guess I can respect that. I hurt you and I'm sorry. So I'll honor your decision by not talking to you anymore. If that's what you want.
Angela: Temporarily, yes. I'm not as strong as Payton or the others that can withstand getting hurt. I'm a fragile lover and believe it or not, I did like you.
Ash: Wow. Well don't worry about me, it's what'll be best for you that matters now.
Angela: That's why it's hard to take you out of my life. You care too much. But I'm glad you understand.

After that, I decided not to bother her till she was over it. I looked around the dorm for Evie but I couldn't find her. So I just decided that I'd settle it at Rome.

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