XX- The Assault

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The time had finally come to get Cherrie to like me. I'd been practicing and I thought to myself that out of all the girls, I had to score her. It felt like a good way to move on after the whole Evie incident. But I had to come clean and tell Evie about it and considering the fact that the only time you get to meet someone that's not in your group is by nightfall, that was quite a tough job. After the grouping though, our rooms were rearranged in a way that all groups would be around each other. Anyways, by 11pm, I snuck into Evie's room to talk to her. Though she was asleep, I was still able to chat with her.

Ash: Psst, Evie. Evie wake up.
Evie: Wha...... who's that?
Ash: It's Ash, I need to talk yo you.
Evie: Can't you see I'm in the middle of a beauty sleep?
Ash: I know and I'm sorry for waking you, but it's urgent and I won't have the chance to see you any other time.
Evie: Urgh, fine.

Then she opened the door and let me in. Her other roommate which was surprisingly Angela Mason was sound asleep so she wasn't a problem.

Ash: Wow, Angela's in your group, you're so lucky.
Evie: Not really, she hardly even looks at me let alone talk. I never knew our thing would hurt the people we care about to be honest.
Ash: Same here. After the whole thing, I barely talked to anyone for a while. But at least you're roommies, right?
Evie: Oh, you have no idea how much begging I had to do.
Ash: I can imagine.
Evie: So what of you and her, are you guys cool?
Ash: Well, she cut her ties with me, so I guess not.
Evie: Wow. Is this, like, the universe telling us we can't be together?
Ash: I don't know, is it?
Evie: You know Ash, I'm not gonna lie, but us hooking up might've been the best thing that has happened to me this grade.
Ash: Really?
Evie: Yeah.

Then an awkward silence filled the room. I didn't know how to tell her that I was falling for another girl because she'd be heartbroken that I moved on so fast. But then I still don't know if I had my brains in the wrong place or that I was just drunk or something, but I did the stupidest thing. I KISSED her!!! She looked at me as I looked at her. She smiled and asked "What?" Confused if the moment had feelings. And as I as well was confused, I leaned in and kissed her. She looked shocked and moved back.

Evie: Uhmmm, what are you doing?
Ash: Sorry, I panicked. I didn't know that you didn't want it.
Evie: That's not what I'm saying. It's just a weird time to have an Evash moment.
Ash: Evash, really?
Evie: The best I've got for now. But that's not it. Are you hiding something from me?
Ash: What? No of course not.
Evie: Ash please, cut me a little slack.

It felt unnecessary at that point to lie so I told her.

Ash: Okay fine. Evie, I don't know how to say this but........... I like another girl.
Evie: And?
Ash: AND??!! You're not mad.
Evie: Of course not. Why would I be mad. Wait, it's not Angela, is it?
Ash: No.
Evie: Good, cuz that'd be weird. So who is it?
Ash: That's another thing, I don't know her name yet.
Evie: Wow. You really are something else, Chase Springfield.
Ash: So, you're cool with it right?
Evie: Well, I guess. But I don't know who it is and it's kinda weird but I guess I'll have to trust you're taste.
Ash: Thanks E, you're the best.

Then we hug.

Evie: Soooooo, about the kiss....
Ash: Oh, sorry, I was panicking and I thought you'd freak.

Then the strangest thing happened.

Evie: You know, I actually really liked it(with a sexual tone).
Ash: Oh, you did?
Evie: Yeah, and I wouldn't mind if you did it again.
Ash: Uhhhhmmmm, oh. Are you okay?
Evie:(coming closer) Yeah, it's just that you're gonna leave me all alone. So how about one last ride on the Evash train.
Ash: You know you sound kinda creepy, right?

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