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Payton's POV
----------THE FEELINGS----------

The love of my life. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was just his approach to me. His voice could cause an earthquake. His eyes could blind any girl. He was the most perfect creature made by the Gods. His name is Ash West. Or at that time it was Chase Springfield. Yes, my first meeting wasn't in L'oreal, but in third grade.

He was the new kid in class. Apparently, he was asked to leave his old school cuz he claimed it was too easy.
After that, my school had heard about him and checked his scores and they took him in for free even though the school was an expensive one. I didn't expect to get along with him from what I'd heard but when he first came he was a calm person. I was young but I could still remember being astonished by the irony in behavior I'd expected.

Though, immediately I first met him, I was interested in him. He sat beside me and he was very friendly. He was a good friend and how I finalized that was the day he gave a girl in class his only pencil during art class. It might be a petty reason but it meant a lot considering that art was the most essential class and it affected his scores. We were the best of friends, and we were happy. Until he started hanging out with a girl in class more than usual.

Eventually I found out that they loved each other. I was heartbroken. But then the next grade, both he and the other girl left the school. I never saw him again. Well, that was until I saw him at L'oreal.

Even then, I didn't even know it was him until our math teacher pointed out that he looked familiar. I still didn't care until he explained someone familiar and said Spring 'something'. "Springfield?" I gasped out abit. Luckily, no one heard me.
I looked towards him and saw the resemblance. I couldn't believe it. My first crush. He was wayyyy taller, obviously. But his blonde hair had turned into a dark gray. Because of that, I could realize that he didn't want to be recognized. He also denied it so that was also a part.

I tried to meet him after class to ask him cuz he was with Leonel, but then Vanessa came in and sat with them.
I didn't like her.
To be honest, I never liked her since the whole TSM thing with her and Ash. Not because I liked him, but the way she felt on top. The way their story was portrayed, it was more or less him apologizing and her snubbing him.
So when I saw her, I immediately retreated to avoid contact. That's what I've been doing since I got here.

So I've been looking for a way to become closer to him and I felt the only thing I had in common with him was that we could speak Spanish. Luckily for me, my boyfriend, Adrian Yega, was his roommate and practically his close friend.
With that, I got the information that he fancied sports.
So did I. After all, my dad used to be a  player for the Miami heat team.

So with that I started talking about sports with him. From there, we became close. He was much more interesting than I remembered and it made me fall deeply in love with him.

Every time I looked into his crystal-like silver eyes, or hear his perfect voice, or even smell his perfume he always had on, I would fantasize things even fantasies couldn't handle. I had become a stalker. I knew his daily routine, his time and days of the week he jogged with Trent. It was till the point where I didn't want him to find out what I'd become. Luckily I hid it well enough. At least enough for no one to find out.

Anyways, Valentine's Day had crept by and I hadn't told him I knew him before or that I liked him. I became fed up with holding it to myself and planned to tell him. So I took it to my bestie, Cherrie. And she gave me some pretty good advice.

Payton: What should I do, Hermana?
Cherrie: What's wrong, honey?
Payton: It's this Valentine's Day stuff. I wanna use this chance to tell Ash how I feel.
Cherrie: Why?
Payton: Well, so I can know if he loves me back.
Cherrie: Yeah, some cliche that'd be. What if the outcome isn't what you'd like.
Payton: Im ready to take the pain.
Cherrie: Awwww, you're so cute when you're determined. If only he were here to see you. He'd melt out of your cuteness overload.
Payton: You flatter me too much, cher-bear.
Cherrie: You know I'm serious.
Payton: Anyways, got any ideas on how to drag his attention?
Cherrie: Well, you can take him to Luigi's. It'd be a romantic dinner between you and him. He orders for the both of you and gets your order right cuz he gets you so well. After that, he compliments your glowing eyes, or in this case you compliment his. Ps, those eyes are sexy af.
Payton: I know right.
Cherrie: Anyways, he smiles at you and says thanks, then looks into your eyes as you do his. Then you say his name in a sexual way, kinda like (with a sexual tone) "Ash!!", then he leans forward and you're about to kiss when the waiter drops the bill in a dramatic way. Then you back out cuz the moods been killed to bring your purse and then he says no need as he pays for your own meal. Then he takes your hand and tells you also in a sexual way, "The night's still young, let's go somewhere else" (getting his impression surprisingly well) and then you guys go out and explore, or in this case, you go to the party.

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