Popularity Trivia

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Hello again everyone👋. I hope you all have found the book interesting so far. I decided to make another "Popularity Quiz" chapter so to refresh the memories of the previous chapters(I was also lazy and thought it might be fun). So it would be two sections consisting of multiple choice and True or False this time. I thought it would be fun to redo so I hope you enjoy it. (Once again, try not to go back to the chapters to answer them)

1. What is Ash's biological mother's name?
-Susanna Springfield
-Liliana Springfield
-Diana Springfield
-Maria Springfield

2. What room is Ash in at school?
-Room 422
-Room 322
-Room 323
-Room 423

3. In the "Vanessa's Story" Chapter, Who among the options is one of her best friends?

4. What is the nickname given to the person who took Evie for Valentine's day?

5. What are the names of Evie's roommates?
-Zeera, Skyla and Angela
-Angela, Cherrie and Payton
-Cherrie, Payton and Jessica
-Chelsea, Skyla and Jessica

6. What is the name of Payton's group?
-Team Champions
-Team Zenith
-Team Nike
-Team Noobs

7. What game show did Ash get featured in in the past?
-Genius Mode
-Brain Time
-Know it all

8. What location is the trip taking place in?

9. Who is Vanessa's girlfriend?

10. What is Aiden's last name?

11. Who is Dante's Girlfriend?

12. How did Ash's father die?
-Plane crash
-Car Crash
-Train crash
-Ship wreck

13. Who gave the name "Team Zenith"?

14. What county did payton transfer from?

15. What was the first game 'Team Zenith' played?
-Kings Game
-Truth or Dare
-Beer Pong
-7 minutes in heaven

1. Cherrie is related to Leonel

2. Ash liked Payton once

3. Avory/McKenzie is Ash's first girlfriend

4. Vanessa is a lesbian

5. Zayn gets perfect grades in school

Hope you guys found the chapter interesting and fun and I hope to see you in the next chapter. Cheers✌️

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