IV- The Apology

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So it's been weeks at home. Nothing interesting to do and I was getting tired of it. I was planning to  go to the next party but the closest was the birthday of Leo and Vanny. And I so wasn't ready to face that girl, or her dad, cuz things would just be so awkward. But according to what Bianca said, 'If you stay one more day at home, you'll just end up getting fat and useless and ugly'. Oh yeah she also forced me to go or else she said she would, and I quote 'rape' me😖. So scary. This meant I would have to man up and face Vanessa during that time. But I knew I wasn't up for that yet so I had to practice in front of a mirror and honestly, I wasn't even impressing myself for Pete's sake.

(STOP! Honestly, the way things are going, it doesn't seem like I'm the smartest person alive and i know that. But that's because I'm all kinds of smart except social. And I actually was socially smart, it's just that what the happened to me made me a social outcast and messed with me. I lived alone and then an orphanage, what do you expect).

But I had to get my persuasive game on. I tried throughout the day until it was dark, but nothing changed. I had already given up when Evie came in.

Evie: Hey, what's the deal. I can literally hear you from outside.
Ash: And what are you doing outside my room?
Evie: Doesn't matter. So why are you talking to yourself, not like I care or am surprised you do.
Dante: Well Evie-chan, I'm trying to see how I can win Vanessa's trust back.
Evie: Wow nice joke. (then she sees I'm not laughing) wait, you're serious?
Ash: Yes, and I might need your help. Not like I'm begging or anything.
Evie: Well, not like I'm helping or anything but to be honest, you have to be yourself. Don't think about it too much and don't think too little. It's just... be natural.
Ash: Wow, thanks E.
Evie: Well its not like she'll fall for you again anyways dork.
Ash: And there you go again. That's the Evie I know and love.
Evie: What, y-you love me?
Ash: Take that as my compliment to you.

Then I show her the way out with which after she looked dumb founded. I also said she should tell mom and dad that I wasn't hungry so I'd be missing dinner. Then I brushed my teeth and went to bed cuz I had a big day ahead of me.
The next day, I woke up very early in the morning and went to a shirt customizing place and made a shirt that read 'IM SORRY!' at the front of it. I had told Dante about the plan and said he should meet me there. But the party wasn't until night time so I had enough time to prepare. And the plan to get her back was on a go.

Firstly, I had to be fashionably late and in an A-list party that meant really REALLY late. So I came and dropped the presents on the table. Later on I saw Leo and talked to him and he actually apologized for what he did the other day. Oh yeah, I also met the male twins, Aiden and Adrian Yegah. So everyone was having a fun time but I didn't see Vanessa yet.

Then Dante did the signal we planned to do when we see her and that was to scream out 'I ROCK' which was completely his idea. Then when I met him, he said she was in her room with some friends. I knew I couldn't do it in front of anyone and that she wouldn't be alone in her party and that's why I had plan B, for Dante to go steal her friends and drag them out in which, like a pro, he did in minutes. And soon enough, it was time. I knew she wouldn't be free for long so I acted with haste.

Ash: Vanessa hi.
Vanessa: Oh its you. Sorry I gotta be somewhere else.
Ash: Vanessa wait(grabbing her hand).
Vanessa: What more do you want. You embarrassed me in front of the whole cinema, my Dad and  brother and now my birthday party. Its not happening.
Ash: No, I came to say I'm sorry.
Vanessa: Sure, is that part of the plan?
Ash: No(holding her hand). I'm seriously sorry. I shouldn't have played with your feelings and I shouldn't have embarrassed you. I just haven't been in a relationship in my life and I was just not ready.

That was a lie.

Vanessa: And I'm not ready for you either.
Ash: Just, I'm sincerely sorry. And I wanna be friends with you again. I don't want any weird air between us.
Vanessa: Are you for real? Do you think that would be possible even if I forgave you? Wow, you just don't get it.
Ash: At least we can try. Its better than this burden we're carrying.
Vanessa: Burden? It's you who thinks there's a burden.
Ash: C'mon. I even made you this 'IM SORRY' shirt.
Vanessa:(reading it) That says 'IM SOGGY!'
Ash: Wow. I need to get that guy fired.
Vanessa: You're not even serious right now.
Ash: I've never been more serious about anyone. I'm really really sorry.
Vanessa: Honestly, I was in love with you. Ever since Leo showed you to me from the TSM magazine, I couldn't stop thinking about you. Then I met you and you were even better than I thought. And even when you broke my heart I still couldn't stop. Not until you said something that made me realize how stupid I was. 'How can  I fall in love with you at first sight'. That was all I was thinking about. And I even tried to kiss you because I thought you felt the same.
Ash: I wasn't sure. Like i said i haven't been in a relationship before.

Still a lie.

Vanessa: Well, I'm not gonna be your first unfortunately. Please, just go.
Ash: But im........
Vanessa: Please(as her voice changes into a weeping one and her eyes filled with tears)

Then I leave the room and the party as well. I could hear Dante and Leonel calling me back but I couldn't bear to be where I wasn't wanted. Later, I got home and laid on my bed. I thought to myself how it all happened and I got mad at myself for even going there with her. Maybe if I first met her at the mall or the party, it would have been way better. Later on, Bianca came into my room.

Bianca: Hey, I heard. How're you holding up.
Ash: Bad actually. But who cares.
Bianca: Honestly, you think about it too much. You shouldn't have appologised. It showed you wanted her back and that was what she didn't want. Girls in the rich world like guys that are hard to get and you proved you were soft. So honestly, stop thinking about her and move on. In fact, I'm gonna set you on a blind date with one of my good friends about your age or even younger by next week and if things go smooth, you can rub it all on Vanessas face.
Ash: You would do that for me?
Bianca: I would do anything for my little brother.
Ash: Thank you so much B.
Bianca: Cmon bring it in.

Then she hugs me for some time and then she kisses me on my nose which was weird. "Think of that as your payment" she teased as she laughed and left my room. So before i slept, i analyzed what happened and realized that i had a bigger day next week and had to make things go smooth. Plus, i also had to be myself, easy, I hope.

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