XII-The Truth

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Ok, so I thought I would sleep, but my phone kept ringing. I didn't answer at first and hoped he, she or it would stop bugging me, but it kept ringing. When I checked it was Payton. She was wondering if I would show up at the basketball court to play one-on-one. But then she claimed a game was in progress so she asked if I wanted to hang. I said I was sleeping but she was able to convince me into standing up and heading for the basketball room to hang out with her. Apparently, I would say she has a way with words and its so hot😍. So I was heading for the room when I ran into McKenzie.

McKenzie: Hey there Ashie.
Ash: Oh, hey kenzie.
McKenzie: So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me at the........
Ash: Oooooo, sorry. I'm already gonna hang out with Payton now.
McKenzie: Oh, so that's who you're into now?
Ash: What! No. She's just a good friend of mine. Besides, she's taken.
McKenzie: By who, Adrian. He doesn't even like her anymore.
Ash: And how do you know that?
McKenzie: I dunno. Seems obvious don't you think.
Ash: Well, if you say so.
McKenzie: Well toodles. Lemme leave you to go to your little lover bird.
Ash: C'mon kenzie, don't be bummed it isn't you.
McKenzie: (blushing) What, I..... Stop messing with me Ash.
Ash: (giggling) What? It's kinda funny.

So I ditched her and went to the Basketball room. To be honest, I expected a lot of guys but the place was a bit scanty. Not much supporters were around and it was basically the team that was playing. But immediately I entered, everyone looked at me. Firstly, Payton literally stood up from her boyfriend and came to hug me in front of the school team and her boyfriend himself. Secondly, the dudes started begging me to replace some guy that got injured and was taken to the school nurse which I forgot to mention that I saw. And originally I didn't want to play, but the pressure was too much so I gave up. What I recognized was that I was playing against the schools best squad, but I didn't know how to play, or at least I didn't think. Apparently, it had been my first time in years since I held a basketball not even played the sport. But I managed to play pretty good. Thanks to my calculations and stuff, I was able to swish all my three points. My layups weren't so good cuz I panicked in most so I decided to stay back so if they couldn't, I would assist with a three point. And then Dante, who's the team captain and as expected, our star player, scored the last basket leaving a second and our team behind with two points. So I knew I had to hit my three pointer to save the team. Apparently, a lot of people were in and watching the match so it put a little pressure on me. I took a breath and told my teammate to pass me the ball so I could throw a buzzer beater. And I did. I just simply calculated the distance, height and speed and was able to get a good position so when he passed, I threw it backwards hoping it would enter. And when it swished, the crowd, and even the opposing team, went wild. They did that whole raising thing they always do in cartoons that I didn't believe was possible till then, and then the most shocking part was that, Payton kissed me. On the cheek, that is. I couldn't believe she did that in front of Adrian and I didn't want any bad blood between Adrian and I so I immediately left for the room. When I got there, I waited for him to come. When he finally came, I explained I wasn't trying to do anything and that it was all a misunderstanding. But he didn't really care. Surprisingly, he wasn't mad at me.

Ash: I hope no hard feelings dude.
Adrian: Why would there be?
Ash: What. Don't you think it was a wrong behavior.
Adrian: Yeah, but it's not my business, is it?
Ash: Uhm yeah, it kinda is.
Adrian: And what makes you say so?
Ash: What! She's your freaking girlfriend dude.
Trent: Actually, they broke up yesterday.
Ash: Seriously. I hope it wasn't cuz of me?
Adrian: Of course not. I just knew that she was tired so I asked if she wanted a break up. But it's not official so don't tell anyone.
Ash: Lips are sealed. But what about Dante?
Adrian: Yeah, him too. I think he's hunting for her.
Ash: Ya think. Well if you're sure about that then fine. And now that I think about it, she WAS always telling me about a close person to me she liked. I just thought it was you.
Adrian: Whatever. Maybe it's you.
Ash: Nahhh, we're just like brother and sister. Maybe it's Trent.
Trent: Sure, nice dude. Mock me more.
Ash: I'm serious.
Trent: I don't even talk to her.
Ash: Exactly. Or maybe it's even Dante.

Then silence lasts until we all laugh hard.

Trent: Yeah, what a cliche fantasy we would live in.
Ash: Right. Well I'm beat. I gotta go take a nice long brisk shower.
Trent: Whatever dude.

So I took a nice long shower and got out. While I was just combing my hair, I realized Dante had arrived into the room. I then realized the evil glare he gave me. I thought maybe he overheard us laughing at him, but it wasn't that. I looked and decided to go animal planet mentality again, but it didn't work again. Honestly, I don't even think that thing works on special unidentified species😂. So I asked what, but it didn't move again. I hoped this had nothing to make our friendship ruin again so I just apologized. But I guess it made him much more furious. That was when I heard a sentence he said and knew that I was screwed.

Dante: You're keeping something from us.
Ash: What! Why would I do that?
Dante: I dunno. Maybe it was something you don't want anyone to know.
Ash: What. Is it the secret between Payton and I? You guys already know that. It's the whole Snow and Vanessa intentional breakup.
Dante: Not that.
Ash: Then what?
Trent: Why are you attacking him, dude?
Adrian: Yeah. And why the serious face?
Dante: Because he's lying. Remember the time with Mr Asuno.
Adrian: Mr Asuno might've been confused or something. Besides, he didn't even mention it again.
Dante: Yes, because of bribe.
Trent: Dude that could mean anything.
Dante: Fine, what about when McKenzie said so?
Adrian: That........ is actually true though.
Trent: Yeah. It was actually weird.
Dante: Yeah, cuz he's a liar.
Ash: Wow, thanks for being a trusting friend.
Dante: You know what? If you don't say the truth, I'm moving out of this room.
Adrian: What! Dude what's gotten into you.

The pressure was too much so I had to spill the beans of my secret. There are a lot I'd hidden from them and since it was critical, I told them the Mr Asuno secret and the McKenzie secret.
Ash: Wait. Stop talking guys. He's right. I didn't think you'd get serious to hear this, but if you want to leave because of it then I might as well tell you then.
Dante: See.
Adrian: Dude not cool.
Trent: We were on your side.
Ash: Well it wasn't really a secret, it was something that I thought you didn't care. The truth and the secret is...........

Tune in for the answer😉

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