IX-The Decision

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Well, I think what I did was a mistake. First of all, I decided that the whole Vanessa thing should be kept a secret to avoid disturbance, but whenever it was time to go elsewhere, I would go to her room to chat or you know, do what we wanted to. But I might have overlooked things.
It was finally Monday and we were off to our first day of school. Originally, every of my roommates were in the same class except me but then I made a few changes to the server in my favor. Damn, being a genius is good. So we got to the class and I sat with Adrian and Trent. Well, I didn't expect to sit with Dante cuz I knew he would go to sit with girls which he did. Also, we were also in the same class as Leo but not Aiden. Then some other dudes, Angela, which she couldn't leave me alone, and then Adrians girlfriend, Payton Hills. She was a foreign exchange student from Brazil, but apparently part Spanish and American. And she was hot, like really hot.

Adrian: Guys, meet my girlfriend, Payton.
Payton: Hello. It's nice to meet you.
Trent: Hey, I'm Trent Wilde.
Payton: Oh, athlete Wildes son?
Trent: Yup.
Ash: (pushing Trent away) Ola seniorita. Mi nombre es Ash West.
Payton: Ohh. Asi que hablas espanol?
Ash: Ah, sî.

Then we laugh.

Adrian: What are you guys saying?
Ash: Doesn't matter. Well it's good to meet you Payton.
Payton: Please, the pleasure is all mine.

In case you wondered, yes, I speak Spanish. In fact I speak all international languages and some national. Anyways, we had math as first period and our teacher was called Mister Asuno. Really kind man from Japan. And the class was easy as expected. He asked things that shook the whole class but not me. But I couldn't answer them cuz I was meant to 'Hide my Identity'. But at some points, I gave up to Intellect and answered some. But unfortunately, I answered a question I didn't know was tough so it made me stand out to the man

Asuno: Wow. What's your name kid?
Ash: Ash West sir.
Asuno: You've got quite the intellect there, Ash. Keep it up.
Ash: Thank you sir .

Then something very shocking happened.

Asuno: Wait, I know you. You're that kid that won the Nobel prize.
Ash: (Confused) What, me?
Asuno: Yes. Uhmmm, spring...... uhmm, what was the name.

Then I heard a little gasp before...

Dante: wait. You think "ASH" won a Nobel prize. Man, we've got a funny teacher.

Then everyone laughs a bit.

Ash: I know I look Nobel prize material, but I'm sorry. I can't take credit for what I didn't do sir.
Asuno: But honestly, you look like that spring something guy. You know, the youngest winner?
Trent: Man, good one teach.

Then everyone laughs harder. That was so close. I was lucky that he forgot my name and that no one knew it. After that, I realized that I was just meant to be an average grade student before any other teacher could recognize me. So then after math we had ten minutes before out next class History. During that time, I was talking with Leo and Vanessa came in looking for him. She sat down beside, while I was sitting in front, of him. And she was talking and was kinda gazing at me at times so Leo suspected something going on and asked if we had reconciled. Then she looked at me expecting me to say something. But I couldn't and she said "well I've forgiven him" and then he asked if I had and I knew I just couldn't deny so I said I did too. Then he asked if we were getting back together and then she hit him on the shoulder. "What?" the fool asked while smiling. Soon enough, it was time and then she left for her class. I was happy with the way classes were going. First, the equipment and the facilities were top notch and the teachers were really good. I could then understand why the school was so expensive.
During history class, I decided to be silent as if it was only math I knew. Then the teacher asked us to pair up and I wanted to pair with Adrian cuz he knew history really well. But then Angela came at me holding me tight and he paired up with Trent. But she was surprisingly good at the topic we paired for, that's the history of the light bulb. She got some things right and some wrong but I didn't wanna say anything. After that we talked a bit and I had to admit that she was a pretty interesting girl. I managed to escape her grip and left class for breakfast. There, we decided that we would have days of taking the trash o the designated area after eating since we were seven on the table. That's me on Monday, Dante on Tuesday, Leo on Wednesday, Aiden on Thursday, Adrian on Friday, Trent on Saturday and some dude named Jaylo on Sunday. After that, I took the trash and left for class without them to meet Vanessa.

Vanessa: Hey Ash. I've been thinking.
Ash: Yeah?
Vanessa: Why are we a secret. I mean the guys actually want us to be together, right?
Ash: Well yeah, but I think it's better this way. And plus, I'm not ready for Dantes 'I told you so's.
Vanessa: Yeah, you're right (looking sad).
Ash: Look, if you want us to be public we will. But I don't think I'm ready yet. But I promise we will.
Vanessa: (looking cheered up) ok. If you say so.

Then I leave her class and see McKenzie standing outside smiling.

McKenzie: So my instincts WERE right?
Ash: About what?
McKenzie: That you and Vanessa are back together. Even as you're dating Snow. You are so evil.
Ash: YOU'RE calling me evil? What are you even doing here?
McKenzie: Well, you were looking suspicious after breakfast, so.........
Ash: You followed me? Lemme guess you wanna use this to blackmail me too?
McKenzie: Calm down. Why are you attacking me?
Ash: Cuz you bug me too much. Don't you get that I don't want anything to do with you?

For a few seconds, silence filled the room

McKenzie: Wow. So that's what you think of me.
Ash: Yes, please leave me alone.
McKenzie:(Crying a lot) Fine. I'll leave you alone.

Then she leaves me and runs off and then the guys come by.

Dante: Not cool man.
Adrian: You made her cry, dude.
Ash: Well she should leave me alone.
Trent: That doesn't mean you should scream.
Dante: Plus, she wasn't trying to blackmail you. We told her to come meet you for jokes.
Ash: What! Why?
Trent: Because we knew about you and Vanessa dude.
Ash: How?
Dante: We're youre roommates, it's kinda hard to miss when you're going into her room.
Adrian: What's painful is that you didn't tell us yourself. Not cool.
Ash: I'm sorry guys. I just thought that you would tease me about it.
Dante: Well, you really avoided it and now you have our nontrust.
Adrian: That's not a word.
Dante: Doesn't matter, he gets it.
Ash: I'm sorry guys.
Trent: Sorry's not gonna cut it this time. It's not gonna, right guys?
Dante: Yeah.
Adrian: I guess.
Trent: Let's go guys.
Adrian: But we're having class here.
Dante: Wow Adrian, way to ruin the dramatic exit.
Adrian: Whatever.

Then they leave. I honestly couldn't believe what just happened. During class, they couldn't even look at me. And then that was when I got a phone call from Snow. At first I ignored it cuz I was in class and it's like a rule not to answer your phone, but she kept calling and it was bugging the class so the teacher asked me to go answer cuz it might be important. And I did.

Ash: Hello.
Snow: Why aren't you answering my calls?
Ash: Yhhh, cuz I'm in class.
Snow: Oh my God, I didn't think that through. Well, I called to say I'm going to school tomorrow so wish me luck.
Ash: So are you going with your boyfriend?
Snow: But you are already in school?
Ash: You know what I mean.
Snow: If I did, I would have said so.
Ash: I'm talking of the guy you are seeing at home. You know the guy that I talked to.
Snow: What are you talking about?
Ash: Look I gotta go back to class. I can't have you playing games with me.
Snow: Wait, did you call me and some dude answered?
Ash: Isn't that what I've been talking about.
Snow: Ohhhh, my mom was seeing some new guy and he was too attached to me. He said that I would never have a boyfriend and confiscated my phone. Maybe that was when you called. My mom even broke up with him.
Ash: Wait, so that's not your boyfriend?
Snow: Of course. I would never cheat on you silly.
Ash: Wow, I really didn't think this through.
Snow: C'mon. So how's L'Oreal?
Ash: uhm grreeeaaaattttt.
Snow: Ok let me just cut to the chase. I called to say that since we started fake dating I've been so happy. But now I think to me it's much more than a fake date. I think I have feelings for you.

Hearing that made me drop my phone.

Snow: Hello, Ash. Are you there.
Ash: I'm sorry my teacher was talking to me so I didn't get the last part. I'll call you later. Bye.
Snow: Uhm ok. Bye.

Then I go back to class. To be honest, I didn't even know what to do or who to tell since everyone was angry at me. But I just didn't know what decision to make because I had feelings for Vanessa and I really like Snow. I was so not ready for this kind of decision in my life.

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