X-The Solution

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After class, I immediately went to Biancas room. "She's practically the only person that can give me advice now" I thought to myself. But when I told her, what she told me was that all she could say was that I was screwed. She said that she didn't know how to fix this and that it was my fault for adding Snow to this equation and that Snow really liked me so I can't break her heart. Basically, the only one I depended on practically gave me no answer. Then I decided to go ask Evie for advice. Yes, that was how bad it was . So as I entered, I remembered her psycho roommates and they were all over me so I asked her to speak in private.

Ash: I need your help.
Evie: You're asking me for help? What has this world turned into.
Ash: It's about Vanessa and Snow.
Evie: Oh you're back with Vanessa and Snow likes you.
Ash: Am I that predictable?
Evie: Your storys kinda fun.
Ash: So do you know what I can do?
Evie: Actually, no. You're screwed.
Ash: Wow. Everyone's telling me the same thing.
Evie: I'm not done. But the Chase I know is a really smart guy. You were able to shock our teachers with your intellect. And you can't say you became dumber?
Ash: You're actually right. I haven't been thinking like I would.
Evie: This life is making you think differently other than yourself.
Ash: That's not a bad advice. You should be a life coach.
Evie: Haha. Very funny.
Ash: Well thank you. I really appreciate it. And tell your roommates I said I hi(leaving).
Evie: You know I won't.

So I took her advice. The first thing I needed to do was to call Snow and talk about our friendship. So I called and told her things about our friendship being important and not even the fake love can break it so she wouldn't say that she had feelings for me for sometime. Next I had to get my friends back and what better way was to get them than not talking to them. It took some time but they are my roommates so it didn't take long.

Adrian: Hey Ash, why are you quiet.
Dante: Dude we weren't meant to talk to him again.
Adrian: I'm tired of acting like a child.
Trent: Adrian's right. This is pointless.
Dante: Dudes don't show weakness.
Ash: C'mon Dante.
Dante: Fine, I kinda do miss you a bit.
Ash: That's all I needed to hear.

Then I tell them what happened.

Adrian: Wow, you really didn't think that through, did you?
Dante: You really are screwed.
Trent: But who do you really like?
Ash: I'm actually not sure.
Dante: Then make one not like you and date the other.
Adrian: Dude this isn't some cartoon. Just tell the truth. I mean that was what cut your ties with us, cuz you didn't tell us the truth.
Trent: Right, then that'll make both of them not like you, genius.
Adrian: Thanks. Wait are you being sarcastic?
Trent: Ya think.
Dante: Well I'm a girls guy and I know girls don't like the truth.
Adrian: Are you just gonna skip pass you calling yourself a girls guy?
Ash: You're right. But I can't just lie to them.
Adrian: So we're actually skipping pass that. Wow.
Dante: Just don't make a bigger deal out of it.
Ash: You're right.

So after that, I thought to myself that I didn't just need to think of my love life but also my other life and so I did some research on Mr Asuno and found out something perfect. Then later after the next day of school I struck.

Ash: Good morning Sir.
Asuno: Oh, just the man I wanted to see. I did some re........
Ash: Stop right there Mr Asuno. Or should I say DJ Pebbles.
Asuno: What! How did you.....
Ash: well let's say I did some research and found out you used to be a DJ secretly.
Asuno: Why would you do that?
Ash: Because you were right. I am the Nobel prize guy. Chase Springfield.
Asuno: Yes. I knew it.
Ash: But no one else does so we'll keep each others secrets, won't we?
Asuno: Blackmailing your own teacher, I'm impressed. But the best part is that I finally get to meet you.
Ash: So you agree.
Asuno: Anything from the smartest boy in the world.

It was actually easier than I thought. The next one was the last but hardest, to get McKenzie to forgive me.

Ash: Uhm, hey Kenzie.
McKenzie: What do you want from me, Ash?
Ash: I came to say that I'm sorry for the way I treated you.
McKenzie: So your friends set you up for this? Or you just think it's funny?
Ash: No I'm actually serious. I behaved like a sad sack and a chump and that wasn't the kind of way I was meant to behave to someone as close to me as you.
McKenzie: Me? Close to you?
Ash: Yeah. I realized that you are the only person I know right now from my past life and it wasn't my place to push you aside.
McKenzie: Please tell me your not joking.
Ash: I'm not. I'm really sorry.

Then she rushes at me and hugs me.

McKenzie: Oh it's just too hard to stay mad at you.
Ash: Oh yeah and if you want to tell people my secret, you can go ahead.
McKenzie: Obviously you know I can't.
Ash: Thank you.

Then she smiles at me and leaves. So the hardest part was covered. Then now it was time for the decision to occur😟. I called Snow and asked if she can visit me in the school for urgent reasons and asked Vanessa to see me in the lobby, yes lobby. So I told her to wait there and we waited for Snow but she didn't know. When Snow arrived they looked at each other in guilt.

Vanessa: Oh uhm, hi Snow.
Snow: I'm not here for you.
Ash: Actually you are. In fact we're here for each other.
Snow: I don't understand?
Ash: I know you like me Snow.
Snow: And you didn't say anything back?
Ash: I panicked. It was a tough choice to change our friendship. And also I've kinda been going out with Vanessa in school.
Snow: What so you cheated?
Ash: I wasn't thinking. I always thought we were just friends until you said it.
Vanessa: Wait so you guys never dated, or broke up?
Ash: Yes. But that's why I called you all here. There has been a love triangle thing between us and I thought it would go away, but it didn't and it was too much pressure on me so I wanted to make things straight between all of us.
Vanessa: So you're gonna break someones heart for the other.
Ash: Yeah. And I hope I can still be friends with the other. I'm trying to pick the best option and that's why I called you all here. Now first of all is anyone hating my idea of this.

Then there was silence for some seconds until.....

Snow: Me. I honestly don't like it. But I want to understand you. That's what I've been trying to do since I first met you.
Ash: It's good to hear that.
Snow: I'm not done. That's why I fell for you. Because you are the only boy I've gone out with that I don't understand but I still love the fact.
Vanessa: Wow. That's actually really touching.
Snow: Plus, I don't wanna lose to her.
Vanessa: Wow, I'm right here?
Ash: Ok. So I don't want to waste all your time so I'll be frank. I like you both bit there's only one person I know I can go more smooth with. Someone I first fell in love with when I met her. Someone.....
Snow: That's not as frank as you say.
Ash: Sorry. The one I love is..........

Tune in for the answer☺

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