XXIV- The Grad

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We had finally gotten back from the trip. A lot had happened during the event and a little part of me was happy some if it was over. And although the verdict with Cherrie and I wasn't roses and sunshine, we were cool with each other and still friends and that was good enough for me. But when we came back from the trip we had forgotten that graduation was in a few days. Naturally no one would care too much considering we weren't the ones graduating, but I cared because Bianca was.
When we got back to school, the first thing I did was to go to bed. I actually missed school a lot and I hadn't slept for almost two days because of the whole Cherrie thing and when I got back, it felt calmer and more soothing than the pressure I felt in Rome. After the necessary slumber, the next day, I headed to Bianca's to see how she was doing.

Ash: Hey B.
Bianca: Ashie, you're back (hugging me). How've you been?
Ash: I've been better. But good I guess.
Bianca: Yeah, I heard about you and Cherrie. Sorry.
Ash: Wait, how did you hear that.
Bianca: (smiling) I'll never tell.
Ash: Wow, creepy. Anyways, how're YOU doing? I mean you're graduating.
Bianca: I know right. And get this, I just found out that I'm valedictorian.
Ash: Wait really? I'm so proud of you.
Bianca: Awwww, thanks. I'm surprised though because I HATE reading.
Ash: How can you hate reading?
Bianca: How can you not. It's hella boring. I mean it's just for boring people.
Ash: Are you calling the readers boring?
Bianca: What?
Ash: Nevermind. So how did you get valedictorian if you hate reading?
Bianca: I said I hated it, not that I'd never do it.
Ash: Good point. So I guess you're ready then.
Bianca: Yup.
Ash: Well that's very relaxing to hear. I thought you'd be nervous but I guess I forgot it's you I'm talking to.
Bianca: Awwww, Thanks for caring, baby.

Then she hugged me again. And after a few minutes of discussing with her, I left for my room.
Usually, by this time, there's really nothing we do in school and it felt boring, but everything was still open for us before the graduation ceremony. And in case I also forgot to mention this, it turned out that the trip was counted as our examination grade so that was why they said it would affect our grades and also why we didn't really have any exam.
The graduation day kept creeping nearer and nearer and I hadn't really done anything with my spare time. I took some days still healing from the whole Cherrie stuff but that reason kept getting more ridiculous overtime. I hadn't left the room for a few days except for jogging with Trent. I was even ordering my meals to my room(yeah you can do that). So I decided to plan a simple event with my close friends at the pool. Though I wouldn't really call it planning, it was more like a "Hey, let's hang out by the pool" thing.
Everyone close to me was there and apparently some people that weren't close too. I mean it's not my pool so who am I to stop them. Anyways, it was really good to finally leave the room and meet everyone that I cared about. And surprisingly to me, someone I didn't expect to be there was. Angela. I didn't know why but I knew it would be weird not to talk to her so I had to break my promise and meet her.

Ash: Uhm, hey Angela.
Angela: Hey Ash.
Ash: Look, I know I'm not supposed to bug you, and I'm sorry, but I just wanted to know how you're doing.
Angela: It's ok. And I'm ok too.
Ash: That's really good to hear .
Angela: That's what I'm here to talk about too. I'm really sorry for the way I overreacted. I mean yes I was hurt, but I can't really say what I did was alright. And for that I'm sorry.
Ash: Oh no no no. You don't need to apologize. It's my fault. I crossed a line in our friendship and that wasn't fair of me. I'M sorry.
Angela: I've missed your sweet talk so much(smiling).

Then we hugged it out. It was really good to clear the air between both of us and I was really happy to have planned the get together. After we were done catching up, Leonel and Dante came to talk to me.

Leonel: Wasn't that Angela? I though you guys were having a fight.
Ash: I guess, but we patched things up just now.
Dante: So you guys are friends now?
Ash: Yup.
Dante: So lemme get this straight, all your female friends right now in your life have had a crush on you at one point, is that correct?
Ash: Uhhhh, I guess. What's your point.
Dante: (Giggling) Nothing. Welcome to the club.
Leonel: I'd say you're not in it but then I remember you and Vanessa.
Dante: Dude, can you not? Okay? Please, gosh.
Leonel: (Laughing) Comedy gold man.
Ash: (Laughing) Truly.

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